Chapter 11

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Arizonas pov

Slowly, I came awake from light shining through the thin curtains that lined my windows, and into my eyes. From looking at my phone, which sat a couple of feet away from me, it was 7am. Sofia will probably sleep in, since she had a long night when she slept at Aprils playing with Harriet. I looked down to see Callies tan arm swung over my body, and felt her inhale and exhale on the nape of my neck as she slept. It was so peaceful, until I remembered.

I sat up on the bed a little bit to wake up Callie, and even in her grogginess, she knew what I wanted to do.

"Go get ready, I'll leave Sofia a note and her iPad so she knows that we went out and can text us" she said, trying to adjust her eyes to sunlight still. It felt so weird that I was allowed to let the feelings of being deeply in love with her to swell my heart again. For so long, I hated her for those feelings. The feelings of having to hate her even though I love her.

"I can go alone, I don't want her to wake up alone" I said. Callie seemed so tired and Sofia probably doesn't like being home alone much. Callies offer was overwhelming too.

"No, you can't. You won't get the test, remember how well I know you.." she said, pulling the blankets off of herself. I just smiled and nodded a little in response, she's right, I won't. She quickly got dressed and wrote a note for Sofia and then placed it and her iPad in her room.

I grabbed our purses and waited for it at the door. She grabbed hers from me and kissed my cheek before saying "I'll drive" as we walked out the door. She hates driving but always does it when we're together because she knows how much it hurts me after a while, even when we are technically apart.

When we got into the car, we followed our natural flow and naturally ended up holding hands on the center console. After what felt like forever, we ended up at a drug store, and before I knew it, Callie was opening my door for me to get out and we were walking into the store hand in hand. She did most of it. She walked me to the aisle and bought the two best brands. Then, she walked me to the register and paid. It must've seemed like she was the potentially pregnant one, I was so zoned out. As much and Callie and I always wanted to provide Sofia a sibling, and I wanted more children, this was not the time.

When we got home, it was still early. I checked on Sofia to find her still blissfully sleeping, and took her iPad and note. When I got back to my bathroom, Callie had four pregnancy tests laid out, two from each brand with an empty plastic solo cup. I don't even know where she found it. I looked down at them blankly, but before I could ask her to leave the room for me to pee in the cup, she pulled me close to her and cupped my face with her hands. She didn't even say anything, but just deeply kissed me, and then turned around and left the room. I love her. Then, she sat outside of the bathroom door, and waited.

"Calliope?" I asked, when I was done peeing.


"Come in."

As soon as I had finished making my request, the door swung open. She dipped the ends of the pregnancy tests into the pee and then put them on the counter. Once she had sorted that all out, she picked me up and put me on the bed, locked my bedroom door, and then cuddled into the bed with me. It was an easy mutual understanding that we both wanted another hour of sleep, and it didn't take us long to find a position of choice to fall asleep in. Just before I dozed off in Callie's arms, I set an alarm that would go off in an hour and 15 minutes, and then I slowly nodded off to a deep sleep in the arms that I missed so much.

1 hour and 15 minutes later....
Callies pov

The harsh buzz of her alarm under the pillow we were sharing made both Arizona and I jump awake. Briefly after though, we both relaxed into each other and began to cuddle as I turned off the alarm. Despite over an extra hour of sleep, we were still both exhausted, but knew we couldn't go to sleep again. Well, I could, but she needed to see that test, and I needed to be there to support her, so really I did need to be awake. She looked up at me with tired but loving eyes, and I began to stroke her hair "what do you want it to be?" I asked.

"I don't know, honestly. I want it to say yes, but I know that now isn't a good time for me to be having a baby for my mental health, so I also really want it to say no"

"Well, either way, I'll be there to support you, okay?" She smiled and extended her neck to kiss me before I got up to get the pregnancy tests so she wouldn't have to.

I walked to the tests and could immediately tell what they said: negative.

Despite the fact that I know she's not in the right mental space to have a baby, I decided to maintain a neutral poker face because at the end of the day, a negative test is something that could put you in a sad mood even if you weren't trying. I got back in bed and snuggled with Arizona once again before handing her the tests.

When she took them from me, she exhaled deeply and closed her eyes. She didn't say anything, but I saw the relief in her eyes when she opened them before she set the tests down on the bed stand. I felt her body relax, and we managed to get 30 minutes more of sleep before we heard Sofia waking up and I had to rush out of Arizona's room. All of the sudden though, those negative pregnancy tests made me want something. I realized just how much I wanted to remarry, and have more babies with Arizona. Or even just one baby, or none. Babies are preferable, but if the best I can get is being remarried to Arizona I'll be over the moon. I love her.

In my haze of thoughts about Arizona, I forgot that I needed to rush to my room, and was asked THE question....

"Mommy, why were you just in Mama's room?" Sofia asked. I heard Arizona emerge behind me and stand in her doorway. She was definitely also feeling nervous.

"Uh well- "

I turned around and looked at Arizona. I could tell by the look on her face that she also knew we had been caught.

"Hey Sof, let's go sit down on the couch" Arizona said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it a little on the way over. I couldn't believe it, in less that a week in, and our daughter had already discovered us and our reconciled relationship.

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