Chapter 14

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Callie pov

Tw: self harm

I woke up on the couch to Zola and Sofia jumping all over me and Arizona catching up behind them with an angry glare on her face towards me while making a mad dash to the coffee machine. She told me to leave yesterday, did she really expect I would be gone already? Or is it that I told Mer that she could drop off Zola so Meredith could go on a date with her new boy toy? I don't think it's that because we've both been rallying to get Meredith on a date. She just seemed pissed off in general, but she was directing it all at me.

"Hey girls, why don't you watch some tv for a little bit?" Arizona said while giving me a glance which told me that I should definitely follow her and that we definitely need to talk in private. She went to her bedroom, and walked all the way to the other side of the bed, standing with her right hand on her hip. I closed the door behind me without a second thought. I could tell just from how her fingers gripped her sides with her fingers that something was wrong, but it didn't quite look like anger. I mean she's been my romantic partner in life for years, so I knew what almost any look on her face and body position could mean, but this? This was something else. She just looked.. done. There's no other way to really describe it. If I could be certain of one thing though, she still had that soft and loving look for me in her gorgeous blue eyes. It didn't take long for her to let out an emotional sigh which countered her hard expression and start talking.

"Callie, why are you still here? You tell me you love me, stay for a bit, and then tell me that you don't actually know. I told you to leave and go and enjoy your life. It's not because I don't love you, I do. I love you so much that I'm willing to let you go. I just can't handle the emotional turmoil that I caused anymore. I just can't handle it right now Callie, I just can't! I've chosen you, Calliope. I want you, and only you. I believe that any problem we have can be fixed. I need you to choose because I can't do this on-and-off stuff anymore. I can't keep dancing around you. I need to be given the gift of moving on or knowing you'll be mine forever."

As she spoke, she wildly expressed herself with hand and arm movements which revealed a dark stain on the inside of her sleeve. Although I never addressed my suspicions of her cutting, it seemed to have stopped until now. I just told myself that Sofia was why it changed, but in the back of my mind, I knew that Sofia was not a reason for her to cut last night. The only person leaving her would be me. I saw the guilt wash over her last night, but now the guilt is washing over me, for how I made her feel. Even despite that though, I still felt a hint of pride for her. Last night was hard for her, she came to terms with what she did and accepted the guilt, and with all considering, she could've handled literally everything worse. When I realized it was my turn to respond, I didn't even have to think about it.

"Arizona...... I think...That I'm in love with you, and you're in love with me, so none of the rest really matters, we can figure it out." I used something that she had said to me years ago, hoping she would find it a sweet gesture that I remembered. As soon as her brain registered my response, she let out a choppy and progressively tearful sigh while nodding. It reminded me of her reaction when I promised I wouldn't take her leg, but this time, she was the one searching for a hug. Although she was mindful to keep her tears to a minimum because of the little ones a couple of rooms over, it was enough to elicit a few tears from me. The feeling of finally knowing what I want, and what she wants couldn't be a better feeling. The fact that our wants aligned was even better. After some minutes, we heard Sofia whine for breakfast and quickly wiped away our tears, splashed our faces with water, and grasped hands to leave our room, but not before a quick kiss and smile.

Quickly thereafter, Arizona and I got to work fixing Zola and Sofia pancakes and cut up fruit for breakfast. Even though I was enjoying the blissful small talk with her, I couldn't get my mind off of the cuts. If she cut again, the problem isn't over, I need to confront her about it, but how?

I decided I would wait until Zola left and Sofia was asleep, but I knew I had to do it, and soon. I can't rely on the fact that I'm here to keep the problem away, because if there's one thing I've learned from being away from Arizona for so long, crappy stuff happens and sometimes there is nothing you can do to change it.

I hope y'all who were upset about my last chapter appreciate this one lol. I can't wait to see where this book goes!

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