Solomon x Reader A Sorcerer's Sanctuary

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You fiddled with your hands in your lap as you awaited the continuation of Lucifer's speech during the RAD Council meeting.

His crimson eyes flickered your way and you sent a nervous smile in return pretending you were listening. You lifted your finger up to your collar pulling it to loosen just a bit.

Why was it so hot in here?

You glanced around noticing the others not really paying attention either... their eyes were glued to you. It were making you incredibly nervous.

You just wanted for this meeting to be over and done with.

You knew from the moment you woke up and saw the notification on your D.D.D that today would be a difficult day.

The RAD Newspaper had been sent out informing everyone that another special event were approaching. Only a week away were the Sweetheart Festival. There would be couples from all over attending and though these events were exciting for the public you always felt yourself squirming in your seat because that meant all the Demon brothers set their sights upon you.

You couldn't handle being the object of all seven of their affections. 

These were not men either; they were the seven Demon Lords of the Underworld.

One had to tread carefully..

Maybe if it were only two or three of them but no, it had to be all seven and that were enough to put anyone on edge.

 Maybe it were the human side to you, but you were starting to realise you didn't have it in you to choose one over the rest.

You cared for each in their own ways but when they forced you to choose it set your mind on overdrive. It made you feel so uncomfortable; like you were betraying the others by not choosing them.

Not only did you hesitate in order to spare everyone's feelings.. 

You also hesitated out of fear.

That dark pit you carried around in your stomach.. you knew deep down.. that they would not take well to this. Living dangerously close with the Seven Avatars of Sin had you fearful of each moment that day drew closer..

Under the duration of time, their love had grown deep enough that it were a dangerous game to play with any of their hearts.

You felt unease knowing that if you were to choose it may set off a chain reaction. Like a great divide it could easily give rise to a war between them.

Perhaps these were just feelings of extreme anxiety but your predictions of the future weren't always that far off.. You'd seen the ugly side to each of them especially when it came to the one thing they cared about; you.

Such a simple cause; and yet you knew you were the descendent of one who'd caused a similar ripple effect amongst the three worlds.

After all that work to establish peace and balance and just as easily it could all fall apart starting from the Underworld.

You didn't want to be the cause for some great divide. That is why you couldn't bring yourself to make a decision..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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