Chapter 16

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“This location will definitely work

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“This location will definitely work.” Meredith added her opinion as the group walked up to it. The old crumbling looking building stood strong and grew bigger as they got closer. They decided to leave the appointed location, the old church that was undefendable, and walk to this building where they have the high ground and still have eyes on the area.

And just for extra security, all of them left their blood squibs back at the church. Ally was impressed by the team's quick thinking and happily followed their lead and their brilliant plan.

“Bravo Team won’t suspect a thing.” Meredith added as the entire group stopped and stood in a circle as they started to think of a new defence plan. “Dean, you’ll be the midpoint of the relay. Herk, you keep watch over the church. You see anything, you signal Dean. I’ll stand by first guard here. Two flashes, and I come running. Stay low, stay quiet.” Meredith said with leadership precision and Rose and the rest of the Novices all agreed with nods and a mumbled “Got it.”

Ally agreed with her plan, it was good and just like the rest of the group, she didn’t have any extra pointers to add to the already brilliant plan.

“We can do this. I know we can. We’ve been training for this just about our entire lives.” Rose added, she sounded strong and confident in her team. “And luckily we don’t have a snobby Moroi to make it harder for us.”

“Ha, ha.” Ally faked a laugh and rolled her eyes playfully as everyone else started to giggled before they all split up to their assigned positions.

When it started to get dark it also started to get cold and the air they breathed in pierced their throats. It was Eddie’s idea to start a small camp fire just to keep warm.

Eddie and Ally sat next to each other as Rose walked along the walls of the building, checking the area.

“Can I ask you something?” Eddie asked gently, which was very unlike him.

Ally looked up from the fire to the left of her and they made eye contact. “You just did.” Ally smiled up at him and the both of them giggled at each other and as their giggles relaxed Ally added. “Sure, Eddie.”

“Do- do you sometimes go back-… or have you ever gone back to the Mortal Circle Ruins?”
The Mortal Circle Ruins. The place where she grew up. Where she leant to talk and walk and sing and dance.  The place where her culture, her history, her life was destroyed in just a couple of hours.


The silence after the short answer from Ally gave Eddie a loud enough answer, an answer that also answered all his other questions about her life as a Mortal Circle member.

“But… maybe one day when I’m older and maybe… hopefully have a family, I will go back and tell them stories about my world, about my mother and father. I think that would be nice.”

Eddie just nodded at what Ally added and he smiled. He wondered how this human turned Moroi was able to have such glowing hope after practically everything was taken away from her. Her home, family, culture, original biology.

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