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"this here is the quad" Xavier explains.

"Odd you call it a quad when is obvious an octagon" I retort.

He huffs at me and shakes his head.

I suddenly hear a ringing in my ears.

"Those there are sirens-"

"Shh my sister is here" I cut him off.

"Sister?" He asks

"Shh" I shush him.

I follow the ringing noise around the quad and end up next to Enid and Wednesday although there was another man whom I was not familiar with.

"You better watch out for that girl Wednesday, everyones saying she killed and ate those boys" the man says.

"We only eat people on Sundays, not Tuesdays" I interrupt.

The man turns around in fear.

"Are you Wednesday?" He asks

"No, fortunate for you I'm vegetarian I much rather prefer to eat tofu shaped as a human brain" I correct

"I'm Wednesday, unfortunate but I rather prefer to saute my human flesh before I eat" Wednesday expressed.

The man whips his head around and sees her.

"You walk.. v-very fast" Xavier huffs.

"You two look exactly alike, but your blonde" he points at me.

"Ajax, your not supposed to comment on others looks" Enid mentions.

"Wait this is you're sister" Xavier points.

"Twin sister" Wednesday corrects.

"She tried to eat me in the womb" I mention

"Been eating people since before I was born" she adds.

Xavier looks at me confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"It's.. nothing" he chokes.

I hum in response.

"Y/n, shall we adventure the school on our own" Wednesday asks

"We shall" I reply.

I walk up to her and link arms as we walk away. I look back and see Xavier run his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Who's that boy?" Wednesday asks

"Xavier, why?"

"He seems into you" she mentions

"Ew, absolutely not" I gag

"You need to come out of your shell, find someone to love" she insisted

"Love is a sick and twisted game noone wins, and I never lose" I say cockily.

"Fine then"

We wander through the corridors of the massive school. We walks past a trophy case with our mother plastered everywhere.

"Absolutely vile" Wednesday comments

"I don't want to be like our parents" I add

"You aren't lying"

"Wednesday and y/n" I hear my father exclaim.

"How are you two settling" my mother asks

"Horrificly" I reply for Wednesday.

"I'm going to miss you two" my father starts weeping.

I give a face of disgust. It's going to be hard for them to leave.


We stand next to our parents outside by the car as my father is sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm going to miss my little deathtraps" he whines as he pulls us into a hug.

"Father you squeezing the life out of me" I croak

He lets us go as our mother tells him and pugsly to get in the car.

"Don't even think about running away because all the family has been notified that the second you turn up in their doorstep they are to call me" she grits.

She pulls out two necklaces from her pocket.

"Wednesday, this is obsidian, it's to help with your visions and improve them" she says as she puts in around her neck

"Y/n, this is citrine, this will help with your purity and spiritual being" she smiles.

She says her goodbyes and leaves. We watch as our family drives away from the school.

"So you wanna move into my room" I break the silence.

"Please, there's too much color in mine" Wednesday says.

Learning To Love               (Xavier Thorpe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now