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I wake up to my dorm room door opening. I open my eyes and see edin standing in the doorway. She immediately squeals and I shoot out of the bed to cover her mouth and shut the door.

"Shut up" I whisper shout

"Im sorry this is so exciting" she shakes her hands as if she's stimming.

"It's eight in the morning what do you need at this hour?" I ask

"I just wanted to see how well you figured out your phone" she smiles "and was also wondering if you wanted to wander in the woods with me and ajax"

"I will, I will. Only if Xavier can come"

"Ooh, double date?" She ask

"You and ajax are dating?" I ask

"Not really, but I think he likes me" she smiles.

"Let me get dressed and get Xavier up and I'll text you when we're ready" I move her out of the room.

"Was that Enid?" Xavier groans.

"Yeah, she was wondering if we wanted to explore the woods with her and ajax" I respond

"Can we?" He asks

"Of course" I smile "get out I need to shower"

I crawl onto the bed and shake him.

"I'm too comfortable to get up" he whines.

"You need to get up, I have to shower"

He shuts his eyes and hides under the blankets.

I groan and grab my throw pillow and start hitting him over the head with it.

"Stop, stop, fine I'll get up" he puts his hands up to block the pillow.

As soon as I let my guard down he rolls over and pins my hands to the mattress. My eyes meet his as I freeze.

"I-i-m sorry I didn't mean to" he says as he lets go of my wrists.

It was lick a switch in my brain flicked as my hands grabbed his cheeks and I kissed him.

It felt like fireworks were going off inside my stomach as he deepened the kiss. Something I denied my whole life I was finally experiencing.

His hand move to my hip, gripping it softly. I couldn't help but to softly moan into the kiss as his grip tightened. My hand moves to his hair as I lightly tug, making him groan.

We break from the kiss as it felt like it was too soon, as if I never wanted it to end.

I cover my face with my hands as I start profusely apologizing.

"It's okay, your fine" he chuckles as he removes my hands from my face.

"I don't know why I feel this way" I say softly.

"Sometimes you shouldn't question your feelings but embrace them" he reassures.

He puts one last peck on my lips.

"I'll leave so you can shower" he says as he gets off the bed. He says goodbye and leaves the room.

I lay in bed for a second trying to process what just happened. I pick up my phone and open Enids contact and call her, which she immediately picks up

"Ready already?" She asks

"Enid come over right now, your not gonna believe it"

As I was in the shower Enid was outside sitting on the counter.

"We literally kissed for a good minute and I actually liked it" I rant.

"L-o-v-e, y/n is in loveee" she chants.

"I am not in love"

"You guys are wearing matching bracelets, you let him stay over and you guys basically made out. You wouldn't do that with just a friend now would you?" She points out.

"I guess you wouldn't. But it's not for real. He's just teaching me how to love" I deny her accusations

"It's a game y/n, he offered to fake date you and teach you to love so you would fall in love with him" she explains.

I turn off the water and grab a towel, wrapping myself in it and opening the curtain.

"Even if that what are the chances he would even like me back" I argue

"Chances?, We're speaking chances?. There is no chance he one hundred percent is in love with you"

"And why would you believe that?"

"He littleraly draws you in botany class when you aren't looking. Believe it or not he's not failing that class either he just wants to hang out with you" she continues.

I look at myself in the mirror as I begin to french braid my hair.

"I mean his eyes are very pretty along with his hair and he actually wants to hang out with me"


She gives me the 'i told you so' face.

"Oh my God, Im littlerally going to kill you"

I open my makeup drawer and Enid scoffs

"Are you actually about to put on makeup right now?" She asks

"What?, Your wearing makeup?"

"Yeah but you look beautiful without out it" she compliments

"And so do you, I'm just going to put in lashes okay?. Can I do that" I ask

"I suppose"

I giggle at her as I put on lashes.

"I'm going to go get dressed, do whatever you want" I say as I walk to my closet.

I put on a cropped orange sweater and some black jeans. I out a black bandana over the top of my hair and bring my braids over my shoulders.

"Do I look alright?" I ask Enid.

"You look amazing" she smiles

I groan as I look in my mirror.

"I look like a balloon"

"You do not!" She argues.

"I'm going to change" I say but right as I'm about to go into the closet there a knock on the door.

I quickly head over and open it, seeing Xavier and ajax standing there.

"Are you guys ready?" Xavier asks.

"I guess" I groan.

Xavier intertwines his hand with mine as I hear Enid giggling behind us.

This was going to be rough.

Learning To Love               (Xavier Thorpe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now