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We arrive at the raven and my nerves were getting to me. I was sitting at the table waiting any moment for the dance to be ruined. My leg wouldn't stop bouncing and I was picking at my nails.

"You okay babe?" Xavier says as he sits down next to me.

"Just scared my dreams gonna come true" I explain.

"Don't worry about it, it's a special night. Make the most of it while you can" he smiles.

He stands and holds out his hand, which I happily take. He brings me over to Enid and her date.

"Where's ajax?" I ask Enid as I hug her.

"Oh, we uh. He stood me up the other night and we just didn't go to the raven together" she explains, looking uncomfortable.

"Oh I'm sorry" I apologize

Suddenly Wednesday walks in with Tyler.

"What is she doing with him?" I ask Xavier.

"She doesn't listen" Xavier replies.

"I'm gonna go talk with her" I say beut Xavier grabs my shoulder.

"Maybe she'll listen to me" he says.

I nod as he walks away.

I look at Wednesday and realize tyler was no longer by her side.

Suddenly I feel tapping on my shoulder and I turn around.

"We need to talk" Tyler says from behind me.

Without being able to respond he pulls me out of the dance and into a corridor.

"Let go of me" I whine and rip his hand off my wrist.

He grabs them again and pins me to a wall.

"What did you do?" He grits.

"What do you mean?" I spit

"You weren't there that night and suddenly I remember that you were? Explain yourself"

"You first, what were you doing in the cave after you tore rowan to shreds?" I quip

"Tell anyone and I'll make sure your little boyfriend gets framed for all of this"

"You won't dare"

"I already have Wednesday in on it. I've turned her against you since she first arrived here" he admits.

"Fuck you" I spit in his face.

He open palm slaps me across my face.

"Xavier!" I scream.

His hand muffles my cries.

"Like I said, tell anyone and I'll rip you to shreds and frame your boyfriend" he snarled

Xavier pops around the corner and Tyler immediately gets off of me.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Xavier asks Tyler

"Just having a talk about the weather, it's a cloudy night you know?" Tyler lies.

Tyler slowly begins to step back.

"If you knew what was good for you, you would leave nevermore and never think of coming back" xaviers face contorted to anger.

I watch Tyler's sinister smile as he turns around and walks off.

"Did he hurt you?" Xavier asks, concerned.

"He slapped me but nothing to bad" I say softly.

"Baby your wrists, there starting to bruise"he grabs them and runs his thumbs along them.

"Xav it's fine we have-"

"No it's not, he hurt you"

"Xavier he knows!, he knows that I know who he is. He said if I tell anyone he's going to convince Wednesday that it's you and he will kill me" I explain.

"Y/n, we have to tell someone. Hyde we're supposed to be extinct years ago. They are extremely dangerous "

"I can't risk losing you" I yell.

He looks a bit taken back by my words as his gaze softens.

"Y/n, my love, your not going to lose me" he pulls me to his chest and rubs my back.

"I can't. I can't tell anyone"

"Okay, we won't. Until we have to" he lets go and holds my upper arms.

"Xavier, help me forget" I say

"Forget what?" He asks, confused.

"Everyone, everything. Help me forget about my problems" I beg

"Y/n, you don't ever truly forget anything."

"Fine then distract me" I quip

He grabs my hand and brings me back into the dance and pulls ne close to him.

"I'm going to distract you by dancing with you" he smiles

"You know I don't dance" I grin

"Just follow my lead" he smirks

He puts his hand on my hips and pulls my body close to his.

"Nows the part were you put your arms around my shoulders" he grins

I giggle and move my arms to his shoulders. Our bodies were now flush together.

"You know how good your ass looks in this dress?" He asks as he gently squeezes it.

"Oh my god, not here" I hide my face in his shoulders as blush blooms across my cheeks.

"Oh cmon, admit you love my compliments" he smirks and puts his hands back on the small of my back.

"I do but not when were surrounded by people" I whine.

He chuckles in response and kisses the top of my head.

"Y/n, Xavier have you guys seen my date?" Enid interrupts us, panicking.

"E, it's okay where was he last?" I ask her, breaking away from Xavier.

"He went to go get us drink but he's not by the punch bowl" her voice shakes.

Suddenly I feel little drops on my forehead. I look at Xavier and notice little red dribbles on his white suit and face.

I feel my heart sink to my stomach and my breathing begins to labour.

"Y/n, it's alright" Xavier pulls me to his side as the red liquid pours down.

"I told you xav" I say as we head for the exit.

"Have you guys seen Wednesday?" Tyler asks us.

"You sure you didn't kill her yet?" I quip as me and Xavier leave.


"I knew what was going to happen xav, and I didn't nothing to stop it" I say softly into xaviers chest.

We stood in the shower, I was shooken from the events of tonight.

"Its not your fault" he has told me repeatedly.

"But I could've stopped it, I could've saved the night"

"Shh, don't worry about it." He combs his fingers through my hair.

I hum in response.

"Can I make you feel better?" He asks.

"How?" I ask

He looks at me with a smirk as he gets on his knees.

I'm going to kill him for how good he makes me feel.

Learning To Love               (Xavier Thorpe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now