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I sat next to Xavier in botany class as Ms Thornhill was discussing our next assignment.

"This will be a group assignment, your assignment is to keep a plant alive for a week. " she explains as she sets different plants on each table.

"The catch is, these are very special plants. They have abilities that you and your partners must discover and study" she smiles.

"Y/n, would you like to join me?" One of the siren boys ask me.

"I don't even know your name, I'm sorry but no" I reject.

I'm the corner of my eye I watch him take off his bracelet.

"Y/n, I told you to do the project with me" he sounds as if he's singing.

"What are you doing, I told you no. Now your making a fool of yourself, go sing to someone else" I demand

He looks at me with confusion as he slowly puts his bracelet back on.

"You can't hear there songs?" Xavier asks.

"Its just sounds like horrid screaching" I mock

"The sirens have the ability to persuade you with their songs, if you can't hear them, they can't manipulate you" he explains.

"Thats cool I suppose, what about this project?" I refer

He slaps his hand against his face.

"All student meet in the quad for visiting weekend" principal Weems says over the intercom.

"Whats visiting weekend?" I ask Xavier

"Just a weekend were you parents visit and you do fun family activities" he pretends to sound enthusiastic

"Does you dad come to visit you?" I ask

"No unfortunately" he responds

He looks away to hide his pained face. I grab his hand and hold it gently.

"Why don't you come meet my family?" I ask

"I can't, that's too scary" he says softly.

"How could they possibly be scary?"

"Its just the thought of meeting your parents"

"Cmon, your my boyfriend and you'll have to meet them eventually" I smile

He smiles back at me and I pull him out of the classroom and take him to the quad. I scan the crowd of outcast and see a family dressed in all black.

"Over here" I say excitedly and drag Xavier to them.

"Oh my little scorpion" my father says as I enter his warm embrace.

"Uh, mother and father this is my boyfriend xavier" I introduce them to him.

My mother begins to look paler than she already was. My father reaches for xaviers hand and gives him a firm handshake, which looked like he was trying to take xaviers hand off.

"Xavier these are my parents, gomez and mortician addams" I continue

"Y/n, dear, how could you have overcame your ignorance towards your ignorance towards romance?" My mother asks.

"I guess I hadn't of found the right person yet" I smile awkwardly.

"I call lies" Wednesday interrupts "she must've waited till neither of you were around to finally start "getting around"

"What do you mean?" My father asks

I stare at Wednesday in fear. Why is she being so rude to me?.

"She has retorted from her old ways. She's gone soft." Wednesday continues.

"Wednesday, can we not do this today" I whine

"See, she's embarrassed. Embarrassed to fight your own family huh?" She continues.

"What has gotten into you Wednesday?!, you stalk me and pick on me like im your prey. Your just upset that I can feel basic human emotions and care about others" I quip.

"Y/n stop, you know what happens when you get upset" Xavier says calmly, blocking my view from Wednesday.

He grabs my cheeks, trying to calm me down.

"I'm intrigued on how she hasn't killed you, yet surprised you've tamed the beast" Wednesday continues

"I've had enough!" My mother says "Wednesday your sister has obviously improves since she's been here, when will you?. When will you stop picking bones with your own family!"

Wednesday goes quiet. Xavier stares at my mother in fear.

"If you need me I'll be in my dorm, talking to the spy you sent us" Wednesday excuses herself.

I clear my throat.

"If you don't mind, can Xavier hang out with us?" I ask.

"Of course, it's so nice to see new additions to the family" my mother says.

We move to a table in the quad and we all sit with plates of food infront of us.

"The raven is coming up, has he asked you to go yet?" My mother asks

Xavier looks up from his game of rock paper scissors with my brother.

"We haven't really talked about it yet.. but uh you know how I feel about social events" I respond awkwardly.

"Oh no, have you guys not spoken about it?" She says appoligetically.

I shake my head 'no'.

"And even if that, I don't have anything to wear" I state

"We can go get you something" my mother responds

"Mom, I don't even know If I want to go" I blurt out.

My mother looks at me in shock. I stand from the bench and walk back into the school. I make my way towards the dorms before I feel a familiar hand grab mine.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Xavier asks from behind me.

"This isn't real xavier" I say

"Whats not real?"

"US, okay!? We arent real, this isn't real" I motion between us.

"But we are" he retorts

"You said it yourself Xavier, when we first started this that it was all fake"

"But the feeling that I feel aren't, y/n. The feelings you make me feel arent" his voice breaks.

I stare at him as his eyes begin to look glossy.

"Everyone in my life has walked out and left me and I'm not going to let you go too" his lip begins to quiver.

I don't know why but I always felt comfort watching someone hurt. Maybe it was the dark and depressing childhood I had where everyone lacked emotion but i was the only one who could feel emotion.

"Say nothing, spit in my face. I don't care but please don't leave" his voice breaks even more.

"Of everyone I've ever met Xavier, I have never met someone who was able to change my entire view on life." I admit.

His eyebrow raises and he sniffles.

"It feel foreign to say it but I truly do love you Xavier. Even though I have never felt love"

He pulls me into a hug and burys his face in my neck.

"Please be my girlfriend for real" he whines.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend for real"

Learning To Love               (Xavier Thorpe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now