Chapter Twenty-one

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^ Tyler's dress ^

Tyler's P.O.V

"I've gotta go to the bathroom real quick" James says as we leave Economics, "Do you want me to wait on you?" I ask as we stop in front of the bathroom.

"No go ahead and go get your food. I'll meet you at the table once I get mine, this is the one time you're allowed to pay for your own food" he says and I nod walking towards the cafeteria.

I go in and see that the line is really long, I decide to just wait till it get shorter and go sit at our table.

I wait a little and people start to sit down, "Where's your food?" Greyson asks taking a seat across from me. "Um the line is really long so I'm just gonna wait till it gets shorter".

A few minutes later everyone's there, and a tray is sat next to me, I look up and see James sitting down. "Where's your food?", "The like was long I was waiting for it to get shorter" I turn and see there's no one in the line.

I get up and start to head over but then turn around, "The likes empty, they might be out and um I'll be fine" I sit back down

"Nope come on, you're eating" James stands up and pulls my sleeve to take him with him as we go get my food.

There was in fact food there, so I grabbed a tray and he paid for me. We go sit back down and I start eating, "So Vivi are you excited about tonight?" Addison asks after a few minutes.

"Yeah, I think it'll go well" she smiles, "So who's singing in place of Rebecca?" Landon looks over at Viv.

"Um well, that'll just have to be a surprise" she laughs awkwardly. "Okay, well I'm not gonna make it to the practice after this I have a dentist appointment" he says and goes back go hos food.

Thank God, I won't have to deal with him until tonight. "But I'll be on time don't worry", I finish my food and throw away my tray.

I go to the nurse and Vivi comes along, "Does it get tiring?" she asks as I pull out my insulin. "What?" I wipe my stomach, put on the needle then stab, "Having to do this everyday, multipole times a day" she says and waves her hands around. 

"At first, but I've just gotten used to it" I throw away my trash, and put my insulin back in my drawer. "So now we go practice?" I ask as we leave the nurses office, "Well first we go move your car to the auditorium parking lot. Then we'll pick our station in the dressing room, then I'll introduce you to Mr. Dupins he's the stagecraft teacher and is in charge of the auditorium. And we're the only group using the piano so we'll be in charge of getting it out of its room and putting it back stage. Then we'll practice".

We go out a side door that goes straight to the parking lot, it's mostly empty by now. We get to my car and I go and park in the auditorium parking lot that has about four cars in it. "So usually people come closer to seventh period to start practicing. So we could practice on the stage and there may just be a couple of people watching, or we could go in one of the classrooms." she says as we grab our stuff and head to the doors. 

We go into the dressing room and put our stuff down at two stations next to each other then Vivi leads me back out and we're on the hunt for Mr. Dupins. 

"Mr. Dupins, this is my sister Tyler. Tyler, this is Mr. Dupins." she introduces us, "So you're Rebecca's replacement" he says looking over his glasses. "Um, yes, yes I am" I nod, "Okay so, no one knows that Tyler is singing tonight and I was thinking maybe we could start with the curtains closed then about the second verse or so open them? And have a spot light on her, if that's okay of course" she says as I look around.

The auditorium is huge, the stage is ginormous. "Of course anything for you Vivi" he smiles, "You know where the piano is, go get it out and we can practice with the curtains and light" he nods off towards the stage. 

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