Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Tyler's P.O.V

"Okay Tyler you're blood work came back and everything's normal. Hearings great, height and weight normal, now your vision, however." Dr. Havel says looking at my folder when he comes back into the room.

"What about it?" I think I see fine, "You drive right?" I nod. "And you drove here today?" I nod again, what's this about?

"Tyler I don't think you should have been driving all this time with your vision," he says sitting on the little stool.

"But it seems fine, I haven't really noticed any change." I shrug, "Well when asked to read the smallest row you could, you were only able to do the fourth." Oh, that's not good.

"I've already called the eye doctor downstairs and she said she'll be to see you once you leave here today." I nod, I've never been to the eye doctor.

"Any other concerns while you're here?" he asks closing my folder, "No" I say shaking my head.

"Okay, your vision decreasing is most likely because of the diabetes. So I'm gonna perscribe you these pills that will help with your vision." he says scribbling stuff on a paper.

"Still using the same pharmacy as last time?" I nod again. "Okay, I'm gonna send this over and you should be able to pick it up in about thirty minutes." I nod once more.

He stands up and goes to the door, "Okay we're done here, have a good rest of your day Tyler. And don't forget to go downstairs." I nod as I hop off the little table and go towards the door.

I pull my bag up on my shoulder as I get to the elevator. I press the button and wait a few seconds for the doors to open.

I step in and push the button for the floor below this one and wait for the doors to close.

The trip is short and when the doors open I step out and look for the eye doctor.

I find the frosted glass door and pull it open stepping in. "Hi do you have an appointment?" the lady behind the desk asks.

"No um but Doctor Havel said he called?" it comes out as a question and the lady does some typing on the computer.

"Are you Tyler?", "Yes" she smiles and stands up. "Okay, come with me and we'll get you started." she says heading down a hall.

I follow her, and we get to a room with a chair that kind of looks like those you see in horror movies where they torture you but it's red with sparkles.

"Okay, the Doctor will be with you shortly" she says and leaves the room closing the door behind her.

After about five minutes a lady in like her thirties comes through the door.

She has green framed thick glasses and really pale skin like me but what's shocking is her hair. It's a little past her shoulders but bright pink.

"Hi Tyler, I'm Dr. Kim," she says nodding as she looks at a folder. "So Dr. Havel says your vision is not so good. Since you've already done a vision test with him today you won't need to do it again." she says closing the folder and turning the lights off. Leaving just a lamp in the corner to light up the room.

"So I'm going to have you look at some things and you tell me which is better." she says swinging this big silver thing in front of me.

We go through the whole process and she says I need glasses. I then got to go and try on a bunch of frames to decide which ones I want.

I pick these big oversized octagon-shaped ones, they're kind of a brown transparent color. I like them because they look way too big for my face.

She tells me they'll be ready Thursday and that they'll send me a text to notify me. I leave and go pick up my medicine from the pharmacy and go home.

"So how'd your appointment go?" Daniel asks when I go to the kitchen. He and Chris are cooking something, "Well I officially hate diabetes," I say sitting at the island.

"You've been saying that for years," Greyson says coming into the kitchen, his friends following. "Yeah but now I really do, it made my vision bad. Now I have to get glasses" I sigh.

"You'll probably still be hot though," Cole says leaning on the fridge. "Cole." Daniel says looking at him while holding a knife, Cole's eyes get big and he tenses up. "Sorry um, sir" he swallows, Daniel puts the knife down and stands in front of the island and rests his hands on it.

"So gotta get glasses?", "Yeah, they'll be ready Thursday. And I guess someone's gonna have to take me because according to both my doctor and the eye doctor, I should not have been driving recently." Daniel's head tilts a little.

"How bad is your vision if you shouldn't have been driving" he chuckles a litte, "I thought I was fine" I say and throw my hands up.

Dallas stands awkwardly in the doorway looking at me, "Tyler can we talk?" he asks messing with his fingers.

"I dunno are you gonna hit me?" I don't know where this attitude came from but I kinda like it, "No I won't" he says looking down.

"Okay, but if you do I'm clocking you this time." I say getting up and following him to the living room.

He sits on a couch and I sit a cushion away. "I'm sorry about the other day, you know when I hit you and all that." I lean back and cross my arms over my chest.

"What else?" I say looking at him, "What?" he looks almost shocked. "Dallas I'm not just mad that you hit me, you also were sitting on my bed that's kinda what started the whole thing. Then when I asked you to move you didn't, then you called me a baby." did Felix's smack make him forget the whole thing or something?

He turns around looking over the couch at them in the kitchen, he sighs and looks back at me. "Okay yeah, I'm sorry for sitting on your bed and not moving when you asked, I'm also sorry for calling you a baby."

I look at him for a second then turn and look into the kitchen, "Do I get to hit him?" I ask. They all look at me, I can see a bit of a smile on Daniel's face. "What?" Chris asks turning away from what he was doing.

"Well, it's only fair, right? Like yeah, Felix hit him but Dallas didn't hit Felix he hit me. So do I get to hit him back so it's fair?" I ask and Daniel chuckles a little then looks back at Chris.

"I mean she makes a good point, it's only fair", see this is why Daniel's my favorite. 

Daniel turns back and nods, "Go ahead", Dallas's head snaps to them, "Dad!".

"I don't wanna hear it, you shouldn't have hit her." he says putting on his dad voice. Dallas groans then stands up, "Okay hit me I'm ready," he says then closes his eyes tightly.

I get up and stand in front of him, I draw my hand back but instead of slapping him, I punch him square in the nose. He groans and falls back to the floor.

"Whoa Tyler, I didn't know you were gonna punch him!" Daniel says running over to us. Felix goes and picks up Dallas off the floor, "Slapping people is for children" I shrug.

Dallas groans as Felix drags him over to the couch, Chris comes over with a rag and holds it on his nose.

"Okay now no more hitting each other you two," Daniel says looking between me and Dallas, I nod and Dallas holds up a shaky thumbs up.

James comes up beside me, "So if Landon had hit you that time you really could have taken him" he says nudging me a little.

"Told you I could", I say smiling up at him. "So Friday. Wanna come over for dinner? You'll get to finally meet my siblings and my grandparents." he says nudging me again.

"Um, yeah okay" I nod, well guess I finally get to meet these mystery siblings of his.


I love Daniel and Tyler's relationship.

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