Chapter Thirty-Five

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Tyler's P.O.V

"James?", "Yeah?" he comes up behind me and looks out the kitchen window.

"Oh, that looks bad." he says seeing what I'm seeing, "I didn't even know it was supposed to snow" I look at him.

"I didn't either but this is a full-blown snowstorm." All you can see is white flying through the skies.

After we got back from the mall he made lunch and we watched Disney movies.

It's now a little after seven and the pretty little white flurries from earlier have now formed into a negative-degree aggressive storm.

James' phone rings and he answers, "Hey", "...", "Yeah we're home", "...", "Okay, yeah I'll tell her.", "...", "Bye, love you too." he hangs up and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"So my parents got stuck with the storm, they're gonna stay the night at a hotel. But they want you to tell Daniel because he thinks they'll be here. And I guess if he's not okay with it somehow I'd get you home." he sits down on the couch.

I nod and my phone rings, it's Daniel. I answer and go into the kitchen, something about asking on the phone in front of someone is so awkward.

"Hello?", "Hey Tyler are you and James at his house?" I can tell he's at home, I hear all the chaos in the background.

"Yeah" I look back at James and he's peeking over the couch watching me.

"Um so his parents got caught out in the storm and they're staying at a hotel tonight. But they wanted me to tell you so you'll know they won't be here, and if it was still okay for me to stay tonight." I hold my breath waiting for his answer.

"Okay, yeah you can stay.", "Really!" I can't help but sound excited.

"Yeah" I jump up and down a few times, "And Tyler?" I stop. "Yeah?", "Between you and me I don't care if yall sleep in the same bed." he whispers.

"T-thank you" I feel my cheeks heat up for some reason.

We say bye and hang up I put my phone in my pocket and go to the living room and stand in front of James.

"I can stay" he stands up and wraps his arms around me, "Yay!", I lean back a little.

"And, he said we could sleep in the same room... in the same bed." his eyes get big then he smiles hard.

"I get to cuddle with my little Tyler" he pulls me back against his chest, and I nuzzle into him again.

"Why do you do that?" he chuckles and pulls away. "I dunno, I just want to be like in your skin you aren't close enough." I look up at him.

"You went from no touching to I want to be in your skin within like two weeks." he laughs, and I can't help but laugh along with him.

Then my stomach lets out this loud obnoxious growl, "Hungry?" I nod and he pulls away going to the kitchen.

"I got stuff for us to make personal pizzas," he says and goes to the pantry to grab stuff. "First we gotta make the dough" he says opening the bag of flour.

He pulls out his phone and pulls up a recipe and together we make the dough. "Okay so now it has to rise for an hour and a half to an hour" he says putting the bowl off to the side.


As we waited for the dough to rise we Watched Legally Blonde, completely against my will. James said it's the movie that made his mom want to be a lawyer, I mean it does have its funny moments but there's far too much pink and way too many blondes.

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