Chapter 4

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No one's POV:
           "Finally, sex in an actual bed," Y/N laughed.
           "I know. You were amazing," Zuko said, still pressing his lips to her collarbones while she ran her fingers through his hair.
"Well, you were incredible," she said, shifting so that he was holding her.
Zuko was silent. Y/N didn't notice at first, listening to his heartbeat. He was right here, in her arms, and she wasn't ever letting go.
But he was still quiet after a long time and through her making multiple comments about what just happened. "What's wrong?" she asked, finally, pulling away to look him in the eyes.
"I just...still can't believe you gave me a second chance,"
"You're the one who begged for it, dummy,"
"You really don't want to start comparing things we've begged for tonight, Y/N," he smirked, before continuing quietly, "The whole second chance thing was a shot in the dark. I was terrified the whole time I was telling you that stuff. I didn't think you'd actually take me back. It's not like I deserve it..."
"No, you don't," Y/N admitted, "But the thing is..." she placed a feather-light kiss on his lips, "I love you."
It felt like Zuko's lungs collapsed, hearing her say it (when she wasn't high on pain-relief-tea). "Y/N, I..." he choked out, but was interrupted by her kissing him again.
She kept peppering his face with kisses, on his nose, right cheekbone, right eyelid, forehead, and down over his scarred eyelid and cheekbone. Zuko willed himself to keep breathing. She didn't shudder at all at the feeling on her lips.
"I love you, too," he finally murmured, surprised it wasn't harder to say. It was the truth after all.
He forced himself into her arms, Y/N laughing softly and burying her face in his hair. "Can we promise each other something?" Zuko asked, ignoring how juvenile he felt.
"Promise we'll never leave each other's side again?"
Y/N was silent for a long moment. Zuko's heart pounded in his skull. I knew that was a stupid thing to say. Why am I so—
"Okay," Y/N's voice vibrated gently in her throat, "I promise, I'll always be by your side, Zuko."
His breath faltered again. She said it! But did she mean it? Would she really keep it? Did he really just secure himself such an amazing treasure? Zuko wouldn't let himself hope.
And what do you reply with? Thanks?
"I promise too," he finally said, "I'll always be with you, Y/N...and I'll never hurt you again."
But he knew even then that was unlikely.

I woke up just before dawn, tangled up with Zuko, having had the best sleep I'd had in a month. I realized with a jolt that I did in fact have my friends to get back to before they knew I was gone. I tried to wake Zuko, but he was sleeping as deeply and peacefully as I had been. Reluctantly, I left a note:

I'm sorry, but I had to leave. I tried to wake you, but you must have been having a very nice dream. I'll see you soon and I haven't forgotten my promise.
I love you

And slipped out. I made my way back towards the center of the city to my friends and my house. There was no sign of activity as I slipped in through my bedroom window. I let out the breath I was holding, Yes, I made it, and turned around—
"I knew it,"
"Toph," her name came out a strangled croak of dread.
The earth-bender was sitting cross-legged in the center of my room, beside my discarded mat and blanket. "Where have you been?" she asked.
Oh, sure, the queen of running away is gonna interrogate me. "How did you know?" I asked.
"Um...did you just meet me?" Toph crossed her arms over her chest, "I felt you leave and I've been sitting here all night, waiting for you to come back."
"Holy shit, can you be any more stubborn?"
"No, I actually don't think I could," she replied, fully serious.
            I rolled my eyes.
"So, spill your guts," she shrugged, "Unless you want me to tell Katara..."
"No, no, please don't!" I dropped onto the floor in front of her and gripped her shoulders.
            Before I could say anything else, Toph's expression alighted with realization, "It's Zuko, isn't it?"
            "What?" I sputtered, "Psh! No."
            "Y/N, I can tell you're lying," she grumbled.
            "Okay, okay. Yes, Zuko's here in Ba Sing Se."
            "You fucked?"
            "Erm, yeah, how can you tell that?"
            "Oh, you just seem happier than you've been in ages. Probably swimming in happy hormones,"
             Rather callous way to put it, but okay, "Toph, you can't tell the others. They'll freak."
             "I'm freaking! Did you forget what he did?"
             "No, but Toph, he's sorry—"
             "Oh, of course he is!" Tophs voice dripped with sarcasm, "I'd believe that."
             "I love him," I said, simply, completely desperate now for her to understand.
             Toph was silent for a moment, "I get it, Y/N. Really, I do, but we can't leave the others in the dark."
             "I'll tell them. I will, soon, just leave it be for now,"
          She seemed to turn this over, "Soon?"
          "Yes, yes, soon. I just don't want to bring it up now with Appa missing and the Dai Li and everything. Zukos not hurting anyone so why make more trouble for us, right?"
          She didn't seem wholly convinced, but sighed, "Okay, but if you don't tell them soon, I will."
          I tackled my friend to the floor, "Thank you, Toph! Thank you!"
          "Yeah, yeah," she muttered.
          "You are my best friend,"
           "Oh, I know," she cooed, feigning boastfulness.
           "What would I do without you?"
           "Quite literally be dead."

Like dominos, everything seemed to fall into place after that. We found Appa, took down the Dai Li, and convinced the Earth king to help. Toph left us to meet up her mother, Aang left some spiritual shit...and Sokka left to meet up with his dad. Even the Kyoshi warriors arrived!
I offered to stay behind with Katara to help, secretly of course, because I wanted to stay near Zuko. I visited him a few more times in the days that followed. Iroh had excitedly mentioned getting his own tea shop, so naturally, when I found time to slip away, I visited.
As I stepped through the doors, a voice cried, "Y/N!" A voice I recognized, but never in that tone.
The next moment I was wrapped in a hug, "I'm so happy to see you!"
He pulled away and held me at arms length. It was Zuko—I think.
"Zuko, are you feeling okay, baby?" I pressed my hand to his forehead.
He laughed, "Yes, I feel fantastic! We're super busy right now, but listen, I want to take you out on an actual date. How about you meet me here at seven tonight?"
I grinned, shaking my head at him, "Yeah, okay. Then you'll tell me what on earth has gotten into you."
I left still with a huge smile on my face. Everything was perfect. Everything was working out for my friends, the war effort, and I was going on a real date with a "fantastic" Zuko.
But of course, that never happened.
Because right after that—
It all went to shit.

By Your Side (Zuko x Reader) (Sequel to Torn Heart)Where stories live. Discover now