Chapter 8

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No one's POV:
"What are you so grumpy about?" Y/N asked, plunking down on the mattress as Zuko changed into pajamas.
"I'm not—" Zuko started, but stopped. They were sticking together for now on, so maybe lying to her wasn't the best start to possibly forever. "Okay, I'm not super thrilled about you getting close to those girls."
Y/N frowned, "I thought you'd want me to get along with your friends."
"They aren't my friends, they're my sister's. And I'm especially not comfortable with you cozying up to my ex—as you so helpfully pointed out,"
"Why's that? Scared she'll try to sabotage us or something?"
Zuko was silent for a long moment.
"Is that what worries you?"
       "No, not exactly. Mai and I are ancient history. But what if she tells you something, like...Oh, I don't know,"
He turned to see Y/N giving him a soft smile. She reached out and he placed his hand in hers, "Zuko, I'm pretty sure, I've seen the worst of you already. Nothing Miss Mopey can say is going to change that. Or Princess Queen Bee either."
"Did you mean what you said? You came just because I asked?" Zuko asked, suddenly, voice soft with uncertainty. There had to be a catch.
Y/N nodded, seeming confused by his question, "Of course. I promised you we would stick together. I told you I love you and I meant it. When you love someone you have their back."
She slid under the sheets, scooting over to make room for him, "But you need to let me make friends. I can tell you're having trouble switching back to 'Fire Prince Mode,' and that's okay. This is a huge adjustment for both of us. But I did give up my old friends to be with you—which I was completely willing to do—but you need to let me make new ones. Or else, I'll just pester you for attention day in and day out, got it?"
She giggled at her tease, and Zuko allowed a smile, "Got it."
They kissed goodnight and he put out the lamp next to him, the room being engulfed in darkness. Zuko felt Y/N nuzzle into him. His heart ached with too many emotions crashing over him. Inexplicable joy that Y/N really came with because he wanted her there, no questions asked. He wasn't sure he had ever experienced anything like this, and was wary of letting himself believe it was real.
At the same time, there was crushing guilt. Her description of herself having his back—the only other person who truly "had his back" against all reason was Uncle Iroh and that relationship was history. He had hopefully earned his father's love back, his place in a family, but he could admit even then, that now the only one really in his corner—no matter what, even if he could never earn it—was Y/N.
He would not—could not—piss that away like he had with Iroh—at any cost.
            After a few days at sea, it came into view. I stood on the deck with Zuko when he murmured, "There it is."
            The first thing I saw was what Zuko called "The Gates of Azulon," giant ass statues that seems to scrape the sky. Guards stood watch and they peered at us as we passed. I clung tighter to Zuko's arm, fingers digging into the fabric of his sleeve, as if to say, "I'm with him."
             This didn't escape his notice and he placed the opposite hand over mine and gave me a gentle smile, "Welcome to the Fire Nation capital, Y/N."
             I bit my lip, "Are you happy to be home?"
             "I am..."
             "I just wonder if anything's changed. I know I have. What if...Oh, I don't know,"
             I forced a smile, "You're nervous. That's understandable."
             "You are too? That's understandable too. I won't leave your side, promise,"
             That lasted all of three seconds after we got off the ship. A giant procession was waiting for us—well, them. Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai let themselves get whisked away with ease, chattering on. I hung behind with Zuko, but soon he was overwhelmed with servants and guards too. He tensed in response to so many people touching him, and I could tell he was fighting the instinct to retaliate.
              "Y/N?" he called.
              "Zuko, wait!"
              His eyes left me for a second to land on a random servant, "Make sure she makes it okay."
              Again, the order came out awkward and unsure, but the servant reached my side and started to lead me along, all the while with a confused furrow in her brows. I watched Zuko in the distance being hoisted into a palanquin and carried off like luggage. Meanwhile, I joined the flock of servants, guards, and even civilians crowding them to walk all the way to the palace. I tried to catch up with Mai and Ty Lee who were walking beside Azula, but it was no use. I felt completely invisible, and tried to fight down the anxiety curling around my lungs.
The crowd thinned out as we reached the palace. It was every bit as large and intimidating as the Earth King's, but instead of being thick and light colored, this palace had black and red spires that stretched seemingly into the clouds.
I gulped.
"Y/N," Zuko dashed to my side, "I'm sorry. I promised I wouldn't leave you, and then I was—"
I laughed, between panting and holding the stitch in my side, "You were swept away? Literally? It's fine."
The words had barely left my mouth, when a group of servants descended again, "Right this way, Your Highness," "Come, my prince," and "We have to get you ready."
This time, Zuko stayed glued to the ground, "Okay, okay. But one of you show Y/N to where she'll be staying and get her settled."
Now my man was starting to sound like royalty.
One of the servants took me by the elbow and started to lead me up the stairs. I watched Zuko get ushered through the giant doors ahead of us. Once he was out of sight, I sensed the servant shrink away, and a voice on my other side purred, "I can take her to her room."
I gulped again as Azula looped her arm around my shoulders. "Are you sure, Princess?" I asked, not caring how fake I sounded.
"It would be my pleasure, Y/N."

By Your Side (Zuko x Reader) (Sequel to Torn Heart)Where stories live. Discover now