Chapter 7

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              "Ow, ow," Zuko hissed as I sunk the needle into his shoulder again.
              "Maybe don't startle me again," I snapped, before grumbling, "Sorry, by the way."
               He grimaced, taking a sip of alcohol, "No, you're right. I shouldn't have startled you."
               We both sat on the mattress in the small room below deck of a Fire Nation ship. I had been on the water plenty of times of course, but never in the belly of one of these metal monstrosities. Since I had watched Aang die, I had let Zuko lead me back to the throne room, where we watched the Fire Nation storm in. I clung to Zuko like a lifeline, and I could tell he knew why. It was when we stepped onto the deck of this awful ship that we got separated.
                No sooner than I had been left alone did I hear a silky smooth voice on my other side, "Y/N, right?"
                "Yeah, that's right. And you're Azula," I stated more than asked.
                "My brother mentioned me?" she was giving me the fakest smile I had ever seen.
                "I'm flattered," she purred.
                "He said you're crazy and you tormented him,"
                The smile twitched, threatening to fail on her thin lips, "ZuZu exaggerates."
                I gave her a phony grin of my own, "Hm...could you show me where I'll be staying?"
    She did not like that! Azula grimaced at me like I smelled (which I was only 20% sure I didn't), but started below deck, "Yeah, this way."
    She led me down the tube-like hallways, with me trying desperately not to get claustrophobic and for the first time in my life—seasick, until we reached a door that was half opened. Inside was a mattress and some other furniture and Fire Nation tapestries decorated the walls. As I took in my surroundings, Azula leaned on the door jamb, examining her long nails.
    "Why are you here anyway?" she asked abruptly, speaking for the first time since we were on the deck.
    "What do you mean?"
    "Do you think I'm stupid? I know you came with the Avatar, so why are you here and not with that band of riffraff filth?"
    "It's a long story," I straightened up and jutted out my chin, "But I love Zuko, so I chose him. And besides, Aang is...dead and I want to be on the winning side. I have no intention of being trampled over."
    I hoped my facial expression matched her shrewdness. It wasn't totally a lie, but it was a very callous version of the ugly truth.
    "Well, that was a smart decision," Azula purred, "But I wouldn't forget my place if I were you. Don't forget—"
    "Imma stop you right there, honey,"
    "This whole alpha female thing or whatever you're doing, save your breath, okay? I get it, you're the princess, top dog, whatever. I'm not looking to change that. I won't get in your way. I'm just here for Zuko and to save my ass. Really,"
    Azula opened her mouth, then closed it, looking completely miffed (I like to imagine she had rehearsed an entire speak and I just ruined it). Recomposing herself, she straightened up, "Well, good. Glad that's understood...I'll let you get settled in."
   Which brings us to the present. I was finished stitching the wound in my boyfriends shoulder inflicted by yours truly. We had fallen to silence. I stuck out my hand and Zuko handed me his bottle, wincing as a dumped a bit over the area, before handing it back. After drying it gently I started winding bandages around his shoulder.
               "I'm sorry about Aang," he said suddenly, breaking the silence.
               "No, you're not. Don't lie," I said, biting back tears.
               Zuko didn't respond, neither confirming or denying it. It hurt that he didn't argue. I tied off the bandage, having wound it slightly too tight. While he was distracted with putting his shirt back on, I stood and made a beeline for the door, "I'm gonna get some fresh air."
               "Y/N—" he started but I ignored him.
                On the deck I was met with the comfortingly familiar smell of ocean air, the nipping wind, the spray hitting my face. Once I reached the rail, I broke down sobbing. My thoughts piled on each other, one horrible, frantic one after the other.
                Aang was gone, he was actually gone.
                He would be reincarnated, but that didn't matter to me. It wouldn't be the same. They wouldn't be my friend.
                Where were the rest of my friends? We're they okay?
                I never said goodbye to Toph or Sokka. We're they worried? Or did they all hate me now?
"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" a voice asked suddenly to my right.
It was one of the Not-Kyoshi-Warriors, the one who attacked Katara. Only now she wore a cropped pink shirt and pink pants and her hair was in a long braid. She was looking at me with genuine curiousity and worry.
I sniffed, looking back out at the water, "My friend died."
"Ah, that's right. You used to be the Avatar's friend,"
Used to be?
"That's a total bummer, I know. But at least—"
"Ty Lee, stop bothering the new girl. You're probably annoying her," a deadpan voice came from behind the girl.
"I am not!" the girl, Ty Lee, snapped over her shoulder, before turning frantically to me, "I'm not annoying you, am I?"
Giving her a weak smile, I shook my head. The other girl who had been with Azula joined us at the rail. She was wrapped in a deep red robe and now her shiny black hair was in two topknots with the rest flowing down her back and her bangs laying across her forehead.
The two girls continue to argue about Ty Lee annoying me, when I sensed a third person coming up behind me. A red robe was draped over my shoulders the next second followed by Zuko's voice on my left,
"Here. It's freezing up here."
"I'm fine," I insisted.
"You're obviously not. Were you crying?"
"No, my eyes are watering from this cold air," I lied.
"Hm, lucky I came up here then. I see you met Ty Lee and Mai,"
I started, dropping my voice, even though the two were still arguing, "Wait, that's Mai?"
"Like your ex-Mai? Your first time-Mai?"
Zuko shrugged, clearly not getting it, "Yeah. What's the big deal?"
"Oh, nothing," I sighed, exhasperated, turning to survey the woman in question. I had to allow that I felt a tad territiorial, but I pushed it down. Besides...
"So what are you doing here anyway?" Mai asked, suddenly.
"Oh, um..."
"That's none of your business," Zuko cut in.
Mai scoffed, rolling her eyes, "It wasn't exactly a probing question, Zuko. It's simple."
She leveled her gaze at me, "So?"
"Zuko asked me to come along,"
"Did he?" she said, with a fair amount of venom.
"I did," Zuko shot back, "We're in a relationship."
"Besides that," I cut in, "I knew that the Fire Nation had clearly won after Aa—I mean, the, so I wanted to join you guys. It's what a smart person would have done,"
"Alright!" Ty Lee cheered.
"Hm, I guess that makes sense," Mai droned.
I started, "Oh, my name is Y/N, by the way."
They told me their names, even though Zuko had told me them a moment ago. "You guys were the fake Kyoshi warrior, right?" I asked.
"Yeah...sorry we had to arrest you by the way," Ty Lee said.
"I'm not sorry," said Mai, still looking out at the water, "She wasn't on our side yet then."
"No apologies needed," I waved it away, "Mai's right. You two seemed super skilled too by the way. Those flips were crazy and Mai, you have amazing aim."
The girl allowed a tiny smile, "Thanks."
"I gotta say though, you did scare the ever-living shit out of me. I have a bad past with throwing knives," I lifted up my shirt to show the scar I had gotten.
"Ooh, ouchie,"
"Yep, I'd be dead if it wasn't for hot stuff here," I bumped hips with Zuko who just grunted in response.
"So he like...cauterized it?" Mai asked.
"Yeah, well, it's late. I'm going to bed," Zuko said, abruptly, grabbing my hand, "And, Y/N, you should too."
"Okay, okay, good night, ladies! Nice to meet you!" I sang, hurriedly as I was dragged towards the stairs.
"Night," Mai yawned, while Ty Lee bounced on her toes.
"Good night, Y/N! See you in the morning! Night, Zuko!"

By Your Side (Zuko x Reader) (Sequel to Torn Heart)Where stories live. Discover now