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'i can tell we'll get along just fine

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'i can tell we'll get along just fine.'  she thought to herself, watching as jesus left.


it'd been about a month since genevieve arrived at the comfort of hilltop. she could move around better on her ankle, and it was barely even sore anymore.

she loved to help around in the garden, but her job was to mostly hang around in the communty's small library as the librarian. she enjoyed both.

her and paul had grown closer as friends. her and maggie, and enid as well. she met everyone from alexandria and was surprised to see that the leader's baby instantly fell in love with her.

jesus told her; "babies are attracted to pretty things."

but it just made her laugh.

she adored her new family, and was glad they accepted her as quick as they did.

they listened to her story about the saviors, and they were so kind and understanding.

they trusted her, and she trusted them.

at the moment, she was making breakfast for herself and paul. it was eggs, toast, and fresh fruit.

paul was on watch the whole night, and she knew he'd be hungry by the time his shift was up, so she made sure to cook a lot.

she was setting the table when he opened up the door. he greeted genevieve with a smile, and pulled the beanie off of his head  tossing onto the couch, as well as his jacket.

"oh- you made breakfast. thank you, vi. it looks delicious." he headed iver to the sink to wash his hands, as she continued to set everything out.

"of course. you must be starving." she hummed, turning back to face him as he pulled the hairtie from his hair, letting his long locks cascade around his face.

genevieve took a moment to admire him, before pulling herself out of her trance.

"eat up, so you can get some rest." she smiled sweetly, taking her seat across from his.

she picked around at her food before her,
the reoccurring, foreboding thought of simon, and whay he did, eating away at her insides.

she went into a daze, leisurely shoving her breakfast into her mouth.

in truth, she'd been having nightmares about him, and what she used to do to her.

genevieve knew he was dead. she shot him.

maybe it was her conscious gnawing away at her for doing what she did.

"helloooo.. earth to genevieve?" paul waved his hand in front of her face, and she immediately snapped back out of it. "you okay?" he quietly asked, scooting his empty plate away.

"yeah, i'm alright." she decided she was no longer hungry, and stood, gather the dishes. she set her plate inside of the refrigerator, and began washing his.

'𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺. - 𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘭 "𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴" 𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘢.Where stories live. Discover now