' 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯.

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"good night, i love you," genevieve stated, pressing a long kiss to the top of his head

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"good night, i love you," genevieve stated, pressing a long kiss to the top of his head. he would have replied if it weren't for the fact that he was already out.


rolling back over- paul felt wetness in his and his wife's bed. it took him a minute to adjust to the bright morning sun that shone in through the thin curtains- but then panic set in. he shuffle as far as he could away from the puddle, before leaning down. he sniffed a few times, trying to smell for the ammonia scent urine held. he couldn't find it. "shit!" he cursed, rushing over to the opposite side of the bed to wake his wife. "genevieve! vi-" he panted, tapping her and shaking her. "your water broke!"

genevieve shot up like a bat out of hell. she didn't feel her water break. but he was right- it did. a contraction hit her- and it hit her hard. like a truck. she whimpered, and gritted her teeth. (if it weren't for the fact clementine was in the next room, she probably would have screamed.) she watched as paul hurried around to find a shirt. she leaned herself back against the headboard as perspiration stuck to her forehead.

"tara should be here right now-" paul huffed, tossing a flowy dress at his wife. "fuck-okay. put this on, i'm going to find siddiq so he can help me- i'll send jerry over to get clementine-" it was clear he was stressed. he hadn't expected the pair to be asleep when her water broke. once he had a t-shirt on, and a pair of shoes, he raced out of their small home, and towards the infirmary. 

genevieve tried to keep her whimpers as she stood from the bed, and undressed from her wet clothes. her fingers took a moment to dance along her beautiful stretch marks, before she carefully and slowly pulled on a pair of clean undergarments up under her stomach. she didn't feel like a bra would be necessary, and in all honesty she didn't feel like fighting to get one on. she glanced around the floor, and located a pair of slip on sandals. she stuck her sore feet in them, before sitting herself back on the bed.

good lord, it hurt. it felt like she would burst at any moment, and not in a good way. her pelvic region ached and burned- was it supposed to burn? she felt like her skin was ripping. she took in shallow breaths, leaning her head back as she grit her teeth. hot tears pooled in her eyes, and she just wanted it to be over.

she felt a wetness pool between her thighs. upon looking down- she saw red. she started panicking. but- she couldn't wake up clementine. she could not.

the front door opened, and a pair of light footsteps found their way towards genevieve and paul's bedroom.

"genny?" her southern accent sweetly penetrated genevieve's cloudy mind.

"maggie- it hurts.." she gulped, pressing her hand against herself. she pulled it away to look at her blood coated hand.

maggie felt like she could cry. in that moment, she was taken back to the prison. the first breach. where lori went into labor- and she had to trace her scar with her knife. where carl insisted he put her down. "no.." she mumbled, lunging forwards to hold her face. "no, no- you're going to be okay- we have siddiq- and enid. you're going to be fine. you just.. you just need a c-section." she tried to force a smile, but in all honesty- she was scared for her friend.

'𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺. - 𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘭 "𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴" 𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘢.Where stories live. Discover now