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"i love you too, vi

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"i love you too, vi." he muttered back, a smile on his face.


a week had passed since genevieve had been shot. Obviously, she wasn't completely healed- but was getting better.

paul had definitely been around more- well- more than he already was. he stayed home for most days to help with clementine. if he went out, it wasn't for a very long time.

rick and michonne had come to retrieve their children, figuring it would be too much on genevieve and paul to care for two extra children. the couple didn't mind, though.

most of genevieve's time was spent resting in bed, or on the couch. she did go on a walk at least once a day to get some sunlight.

on paul's side of things; he'd been planning on a proposal. 

a proposal for genevieve to be his wife.

genevieve rovia had a nice ring to it.

and he had everything planned out. absolutely everything.

rick's group would be coming over and joining the community of hilltop for dinner. a dinner at which paul would propose.

one thing he knew was that he loved her, and she loved him. there was no telling how much time they had left- especially since genevieve could be so reckless at times. he just wanted to  have a family, for as long as he had left to live.

genevieve quickly figured out that if she wore dresses, and looser clothes, it didn't hurt her wound. her pants didn't squeeze around the swollen, sore stitched up area.  so, she in fact did spend most of her time in flowy dresses and sweaters.

women and men of the community were preparing for the feast, while genevieve and paul readied their selves and their baby, clementine.

vi wore a green colored dress and a thick sweater that had been rummaged at a shop on the last run. paul wore hiss usual work clothes, and long jacket, his hair tucked messily behind his ear, beanie holding it in place. clementine, snuggled into her stroller, was dressed warm and covered in blankets. sure, it wasn't super cold outside- but it was autumn. 

once the small family was all ready, they headed out of their home, paul pushing clem in the stroller. rick and the other's were already there, and once thy came into view, tara practically ran towards genevieve, and squeezed her in a hug.

"i'm so glad you're okay- i was so worried." she quickly stated, making the ginger chuckle.

"i'm good, i'm good- you're squeezing too hard." she wheezed. tara pulled away, and pressed a sweet kiss on her forehead. 

"you look great, vi."

"thanks." she hummed, ready to speak again- but was pulled out of her thoughts by a certain toddler making sweet little grabby hands her direction. carl tried  to calm her down but it fail. genevieve plucked her from  carl, and wrapped her in a hug as well.

"hello, judith. how's my baby?" the child's hands quickly reached for genevieve's ears, and felt all of the piercings. vi smiled, and looped her arms around the baby's back to hold her up, instead of on her hip.

her wound began to ache, sending pain up throughout the rest of her body. her face contorted as she winced, and tara was quick to take back judith, and hand her back to carl. ultimately, judith was unhappy with that, but there was nothing that could be done.

"i'm sorry judy-" the redhead frowned, and leaned herself against paul as she stared forwards with sad eyes.


it wasn't before long that everyone was sat and eating. tara insisted  on feeding clementine her bottle, so the parents could have a break.

genevieve tiredly ate, her eyes watching as her fork scraped the food around. it seemed like the only good sleep she got was when she fainted.

"are you alright?" she heard diane ask beside her, and she glanced over with a small smile. it felt like forever since they'd had a conversation.

"yeah, just tired." she replied tucking some of her hair behind her ears. she lifted her glass to her lips, and took a sip of her wine, which she was more than excited to have. the group conversation, deciding to give genevieve some space. she got lost in her thoughts, the image of the bullet going through simon's head replaying in her mind.

She wanted to speak to her friend more, but was distracted by her boyfriend standing, and tapping his fork against his glass.

"if i could have everyone's attention, please." he set his cutlery back o the table, and stuffed his hand into his pocket. he fidgeted with something- something genevieve didn't even know was in there. only a small handful knew what was going on. what was going to happen. "first of all, i'd just like to thank you for coming" paul smiled, and glanced around the gathering. "now- i have an amazing, amazing family. i love and care for each and every one of you. but,  my daughter- my  beautiful, beautiful clementine- and my girlfriend, my amazing genevieve. they are my top priority. these days, you never know how much time you have left. it just takes one second to lose the one you love. a gun shot, a bite, a fall- anything could happen." 

genevieve made eye contact with tara, who was smiling at her manically.

"so," she looked back over, and was met with a kneeling paul. "genevieve, i'm asking you, please spend the rest of the time we have alive- as my wife." he opened up a little box, and revealed the gorgeous little simple ring. god, it was absolutely beautiful. she could one hundred percent tell the community's blacksmith had made the little piece of jewelry- but it was still beautiful. the band was silver, and shiny. the diamond looked like the ones the lived on little stud earrings. the little widdled designs on the band were flowers and vines. it was simply astounding.

"genevieve?" he asked, breaking the ginger from her trance. she looked up at him and smiled, before sticking her hand out.

"yes, i do!" she boasted, watching as he slid the ring onto her finger. as soon as it was on, her arms were around his neck in an embrace. he returned it. "i love you so much." she whispered into his ear as the communities began to cheer and boast.

"i love you too, my genevieve rovia." paul commented as they finally pulled away. being face-to-face, he could see the tears that welled in her eyes. genevieve let out a dry chuckle, and reached one hand up to wipe at her tears.

paul leaned in, and pressed his lips into hers, which she happily returned.

upon looking out at the crowd, she smiled even brighter as she saw tara bouncing and cooing at her baby.



preg genevieve might happed.....

i'll probably make it where the kingdom is living in hilltop, and alden has arrived.

i'll probably keep most of the ppl who r supposed to die, bc it just.. hurts.

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