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he retreated to the kitchen, and genevieve scooped both girls into her arms, making a mad dash to carl's room, causing judith to laugh more

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he retreated to the kitchen, and genevieve scooped both girls into her arms, making a mad dash to carl's room, causing judith to laugh more.


after placing clementine in the pack n play that judith was using, she got to work on the toddlers hair. her fingers gently separated the knotted curls, cautious not to mess up and make them frizzy. once they were all separated, she took the top half of the toddler's hair and braided it. she tied a small piece of white ribbon at the end of the braid.

then, she got her dressed. she let judy help her pick her own outfit for the day. it was obvious genevieve couldn't wait for clem to be this big.

then, she picked up both children, and moved to her own bedroom to get her baby ready. she quickly had clem dressed in something warm.

she headed back to the kitchen/main area once she heard the front door open, and her boyfriend greet carl. once the teen laid his eyes on the toddler, he smiled brightly and plucked her from the ginger's arms.

"look at you, judith!" he cooed, lifting her above his head, which made her giggle.

genevieve held her own baby closer to her chest as she sat at the table, paul placing out plates for each person, and a bottle for clem.

vi was quickly feeding the baby, propping one leg up against her chest, and the table. in all truth, she wasn't very hungry. she'd put off eating her breakfast until she couldn't any longer. she hoped she could save it for later, for someone else.


after clementine finished the bottle and everyone, excluding genevieve, had finished their meals- carl offered to clean up. his offer was accepted, given paul had something important to do, and genevieve stewart needed to travel beyond the walls.

she was quickly up, and in her bedroom, laying out some clothes. she dressed in jeans and a sweater, and her boots. once she was dressed, she ran the brush through her hair, since clem currently resided in her crib.

she tucked it behind her ears, and used the same wrap to secure her baby around her body. as she was doing so, her boyfriend sauntered into the room, a happy smile on his face as he started to get ready.

"what are you into today?" he asked, stripping of his comfier clothes, into some more suitable for work.

"working in the library." she swallowed, making sure the stretchy fabric was tied tightly behind her back. "you?" she asked, turning back to face him.

"not sure, probably helping maggie." he hummed, pressing a kiss to her temple, "be safe, have a good day." before sauntering off to the bathroom.

'𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺. - 𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘭 "𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴" 𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘢.Where stories live. Discover now