' 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯.

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she could not wait to meet her baby boy

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she could not wait to meet her baby boy.


sitting around the dinner table in the uncomfortable dining chairs soon got hard for genevieve. just around five months, she realized the struggle it would be. although she was in so much discomfort, she insisted on having dinner as a family, at the dining table .

"is it good mommy? daddy said it's your favorite!" clem asked, the pasta sauce messy around her mouth. she was so smart. she'd be four soon enough. "was aunty tara excited?!"

"yes, clemmy. she was sooo excited to get to see you!" she smiled sweetly at her daughter, before picking her fork back up. "and yes baby, you and daddy did a great job on dinner. thank you for making it ." she took a bite, proving to her daughter how much she loved it.

"oh right, when is she coming?" asked paul, tucking a piece of hair- that fell from his bun- behind his ear.

"soon. i told her i feel like he'll be here any day now- so i think she'll leave in the morning."

"do you really think he will?!" clemmy asked, squirming around in her booster seat.

"yes, baby, i do." the mother hummed, and rested both of her hands upon her bulging stomach. "she's going to watch you so mommy and daddy can focus on getting orion home. sound good?"

clementine nodded her head, and took a sip from her sippy cup full of water.

"who do you want to give you a bath tonight, clem?" paul asked, gathering up the dishes to set in the sink.

"hmm.." she tapped her chin, smearing the pasta sauce around. paul came back over with a napkin, and wiped her face clean. "mommy. you did it last time." she wiggled out of her booster seat, and pushed her chair back in. 

"okay baby. go get your jammies, i'll meet you in there." genevieve smiled as her daughter ran off. paul took her hands, and helped her balance back on her feet.

"vi, i can give her a bath-" paul frowned, giving his wife's hand a squeeze. "you can go lay down."

"it's okay. i don't mind. she'll probably play for most of the time." she shrugged,, pressing a peck onto his lips. "i'll probably soak in the tub once she's done." she didn' t dare to tell him she as actually aching all over. he'd not let her do anything.

"okay. well- i'll be in once i clean up in here." he spoke, kissing her one last time, before turning around to clean up the small kitchen.

genevieve made her way to the bathroom. she set herself on the side of the tub, and began running a bath for clementine. she reached down to push the stopper, once she found the perfect water temperature. she dumped the little basket full of toys into the bath tub.

thats was when clementine finally entered, holding her sleep clothes in her arms.

"hi mommy!" she boomed, setting the clothes up on the counter top, before ripping her clothes off excitedly. (genevieve watched her struggle, and stifled her laughter.)

'𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺. - 𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘭 "𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴" 𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘢.Where stories live. Discover now