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genevieve hoped enid could give her some insight on what to do

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genevieve hoped enid could give her some insight on what to do. saddiq was her teacher, after all.


the redhead sat on the bed, rubbing at her baby's back as enid finished up with something. once the younger female was done, dhe stood infront of the mother and child.

"what's wrong?" enid kindly asked, pushing some hair away from her face, before her hands fell on her hips.

genevieve sucked in a deep breath, her hand staying still on clem's back.

"i've been having nightmares," she started, diverting her gaze elsewhere in the trailer. "really vivid, horrific nightmares."

"about simon? the satellite outpost?" enid asked, recalling the traumatic story that was told to the family.

"yeah." genevieve stated plainly, looking back up at enid with tired eyes.

"well.." she turned towards the medicine cabinet, and opened up the doors. "a while ago, before you arrived, we sent a group farther out to a medical warehouse. it was fully stocked, believe it or not." she let out a quiet laugh, and grabbed a couple of bottles. "prazosin. they're three month prescriptions in each bottle, so this sbould last six months. it helps. if it doesn't start working within the first week or so, come back and we can try another medicine." she held the bottles out for the woman to take. "hot baths before bed help, too." enid smiled brightly.

genevieve went to thank enid but was quickly interrupted by the door opening.

"hey, enid—" jesus started, but qas rather confused when he saw his girlfriend and baby. "and vi, rick's here." his eyes lingered on the ginger and clem, before looking back at enid.

"thanks, jesus." she hummed, and turned around to close the cabinet.

"thank you, enid." genevieve quickly stuffed the bottles into her sweater pocket, and stood, making sure the wrap was secure. "i bet tara would like to see you, sweet girl." she whispered down to the infant, who was looking around with wide eyes.

"yeah, come on." paul spoke, placing his hand on the small of genevieve's back to lead her out to the center of the community.

she saw the small group waiting, and a smile immediately took over her once gloomt face.

"this is a nice surprise." she teased, immediately being wrapped in a gentle hug by tara. clementine made a small noise, causing the two to laugh. "do you want to hold her?" genevieve asked the baby's savior, and smiled once she nodded.

she reached back with one hand, trying to untie the knot that bound the baby to her. luckily, paul noticed her struggle, and stepped behind her to untie it. she quietly thanked him as he unwound it from around her and clem. he folded it, and held it beneath his arm as he watched his girlfriend hand their baby over. he stepped up beside her, and pressed a chaste kiss to her temple.

admittedly, he was a bit upset thay she didn't come and talk to him about what was bothering her- but he figured it was something to talk about later.

the couple felt eyes bore onto them, and heard a few giggles around them.

"i'll be the one to say it." michonne smiled, her hands resting on her hips. "we knew this would happen." whe let out a breathy chuckle, and her words made genevieve's face go red.

she glanced over at her baby, admiring how tara spoke to her. it made her heart happy to know clem hahad more than just her mother and father to look after her, incase something were to happen to them.

"yeah— clementine needed two parents." he spoke, his hand rubbing at the small of her  back, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "but obviously that's not my only reason. vi's an amazing person." he added, making the mother's smile grow wide.

the couple watched as rick silently asked tara for the baby, and she quickly obliged- passing her off.

"genevieve, she's gorgeous." rick spoke, admiring the bright eyed baby in his arms. he glanced up, flashing genevieve a look she could clearly read.

he understood what it was like to take care of, and have a child who was not his own. that was something they could relate on.

"thank you." she felt her smile shrink a bit, but not much.

the ginger was still shaken from the dream she had. everytime she closed her eyes, she could see it again.

she looked over at paul, to find him already looking at her.

"do you guys mind watching her for just a minute?" paul asked, watching as their baby was handed off to carl.

"yeah, i don't mind— i'll watch her." carl quickly answered, beign reminded of his baby sister back at home.

"thanks." paul muttered, before pulling his girlfriend away with him so he can talk to her. once they were a good distance away, he started. "what's going on?" he asked, his tone serious. his words came out harsher than he anticipated.

"nothing." she muttered, her eyebrows knitting together. her gaze lifted to meet the serious one of her lover.

"genevieve. i saw what enid gave you. you keep waking up early in the mornings— you've looked pale for weeks- there is something going on." he sucked in a breath, gently taking her hands in his. "is it night terrors?" he quietly asked, lowering her voixe enough for just her to hear.

meekly, genevieve nodded. it pained to admit it- she needed to he strong- but she knew he'd understand it more than anybody. he was her biggest supporter.

"they're so.. they feel so real—" her body trembled, and tears began to pool in her eyes. "like it's ha-happening all over again." she choked, making paul pull her closer to him, arms ciring around her waist. "i know he's dead- i know he is. i.. i'm the one that shot him. negan let me shoot him." she looked up at him, her teary eyes boring into his.

"hey.. hey- i know, baby.." he started, reaching one hand up to swipe her tears away. "and you are so strong for holding on as long as you have. everything that happened to you.. it isn't fair. you don't deserve that. but i know that eventually- you will overcome it, and you will be okay. you've got all of us here to help you. me, rick, maggie, enid, tara— hell the whole family." he cracked a smile, hia thumb rubbing at her skin throigh her clothes. "if the medicine doesn't help you, we'll figure it out. we'll get you the help you need, okay?" his words came out in a soothing tone, which put genevieve at ease. she drew in a shaky breath, before letting it out.

"okay." her head nodded, and she didn't know what to say. paul drew her in, pressing her wet face into his neck. he held her close for a moment or two, until she was calm.

the couple headed back to the small group, genevieve's arms wrapped around herself while paul's hand rested on her lower back. seeing carl with clementine brightened her mood. she could tell how much of a great brother he truly was.

"you and judy should come stay with us for a few days." she started, forcing a smile onto her lips. "give your dad and michonne a break- see some new things." she suggested, watching the teenager's face light up.

"really?" he asked, looking from the couple, to his father.

"it's up to rick." she nodded her head in his direction.

"i'm fine with it. you and your wister deserve the break. you need to see some new things." he said, clapping carl on the shoulder.

"jesus and i will come and pick the two of you up in the morning." genevieve smiled, being pulled closer to her by paul. "it'll be fun."

happy new year.
chap 6

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