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"jesus and i will come and pick the two of you up in the morning

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"jesus and i will come and pick the two of you up in the morning." genevieve smiled, being pulled closer to her by paul. "it'll be fun."


and the couple kept their promise. jesus sat behind the wheel, speeding down the familiar roads to alexandria. there weren't anymore traffic laws, so as long as they were careful, it wasn't an issue. clementine was in the back in a carseat. being in a car always put her to sleep, so genevieve was sure to keep the conversation to a minimum.

"did the medicine help at all last night?" paul asked, glancing over at her for just a second.

genevieve shook her head, playing with the rings that resided on her fingers.

"no. enid said to give it atleast a week." she muttered, turning her head to look out the window. 

she felt a warm hand reach over across the console to rest on her thigh. she knew it was pauls, who else could it have belonged to?

"i'm proud of you for getting help, vi. seriously." he gave her thigh a small squeeze, before just letting his hand rest there.

she kept her gaze on his side profile- her eyes full of love.

"thank you." she whispered, her hand closing overtop of his. She gave it a small squeeze before looking back out at the road.

she'd only visited alexandria twice, but she always had a good memory. she new they were getting super close.

soon enough, they pulled up to the community guarded by the tall walls. the gate squeaked open, and slowly- jesus pulled the car trough, and parked. immediately, clementine started crying. genevieve sprung up from her seat, and pulled open the door behind the drivers side. she carefully undid the buckles and such around her baby, before lifting her from the seat. she stood straight, and started to bounce her.

"hi baby.. i know- you were napping hard.." she cooed, listening to her boyfriend get out of the car. "look, daddy's gonna come see you, too!" she tilted her up enough so she could see the handsome man. He immediately pulled the whimpering infant from genevieve's gift.

clementine started to calm down, reaching her tiny, strong hands up to pull at his beard. the sight made vi smile, and she stepped closer to lay her head on paul's shoulder. she was pulled out of her trance by a familiar voice.

"you guys are actually adorable." tara teased, stepping forwards to wrap the baby-free genevieve in a sweet hug. she wrapped jesus in a side hug, before plucking clementine from his grip. "there's my baby! aunt tara missed you!" she boasted, tickling her belly.

"you literally just saw her yesterday." jesus spoke, his arm wrapping around genevieve's waist, pulling her closer.

"she can still miss her, paul." vi rolled her eyes, resting her hand on her boyfriend's chest.

'𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺. - 𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘭 "𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴" 𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘢.Where stories live. Discover now