nini + ricky

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nini's pov

i arrive back to my world, exiting the golden doors. as i push through them i feel my legs get weak and i fall to the floor. my head is pounding and i feel nausea waving over me. my chest feels heavy and i feel limp.


i see my best friends standing above me, looking down with concern. they crouch down, looking at my face.

"nini can you hear me?", seb asks.

i can hear them clearly but i feel too weak to talk. i barely nod my head and seb looks at kourtney.

"go get jovie.", he says to her.

he sits down on the floor and leans against the railing of the stairs. he takes my coat off of me so i don't get too hot. i hear the plastic bottle roll out and he grabs it before it can roll down the staircase.

he examines it and then looks at me, "what's this?"

i shake my head, waving him off. soon i hear jovie's heels clanking up the stairs. i see her face above mine as i remain on the floor.

"what happened?", she asks seb.

he shrugs, "she just collapsed...she doesn't look good. this came out of her coat pocket."

he hands her the empty plastic bottle that once held the serum to make me visible. as soon as jovie reads the label she drops the bottle to the floor again.

"what? what is it?", kourtney anxiously asks.

"it's visibility serum.", she breaths out.

"you mean the serum that's never been tested?!", seb exclaims.

"it was tested and these were the exact side effects...", she says, "but they have no cure for it."

"what are we supposed to do? it looks like she's dying! her magic is running out.", kourtney says.

"get her to the infirmary immediately.", jovie orders.

i feel my limbs getting picked up and i'm levitating in the air as i move towards another hallway. i'm placed down on a bed and i feel my tense muscles relax. my eyes feel heavy and i eventually just shut them to save energy. i hear talking and rustling of equipment as i lie there.

i can feel my consciousness fading in and out. i knew that the serum hadn't been tested that well but i drank it for good reason.

i wanted ricky to really see i'm real. i feel like my heart gravitates towards him and i just wanted him to believe me.

ricky's pov

it's later at night, around 10pm and i'm sitting on my couch, wondering about nini. why didn't the bell work? was it all just a big lie?

a knock on my door makes me pause the show on the tv and get up. i unlock the door and open it. i see two unfamiliar faces. i look around outside and they let out a breath.

"ricky right?", the girl says and i slowly nod.

"she's your ghost of christmas?", the blonde haired boy says and i nod again.

"i'm sorry who're you?", i ask, clearing my throat.

"we're nini's best friends and we're also ghosts of christmas.", the girl explains, "i'm kourtney and this is seb."

"okay...what brings you here?", i ask.

"nini's in danger right now.", seb says, "her magic is slowly fading and once it's gone her spirit will be released forever. the serum she drank so other humans could see her was...not really tested and there's no cure for it."

i feel my heart stop for a second and i look at them with concern. that's why the bell didn't work.

"i- that's horrible but what do i have to do with this?"

"nobody knows we're here but we think you can help. she uh- how do i put this?", kourtney hums, "she loves you ricky."

i widen my eyes, "woah what?!"

"and...we know you love her back.", seb says, "and we think...a kiss could bring her back?"

i clear my throat, "uh- i mean wow uh...i don't even know where she lives."

"okay you really are stupid.", kourtney snaps, "that's why we're here."

they both reach their hands out and i hesitantly take them. i shut my eyes, anxiously awaiting whatever is about to happen.

the next thing i know is i feel wind gusts through my hair and it's cold. there's a really bright, neon, white light and then sparkles. we're placed in front of two grand, gold colored doors. kourtney and seb open them and it's like i walk into santa's workshop.

people are walking everywhere and there's noise from conversations to noise from blasting christmas music. i look around in complete shock because of how decorated and bright this place is.

"am i in heaven or something?", i breath out, my eyes wide as i look at everything.

"or something.", seb shrugs.

kourtney takes my hand and drags me down the stairs and through the crowds of people. everyone is giving me weird glances as we walk towards a room labeled 'infirmary'.

we walk inside and i see nini lying on a hospital bed. her eyes are shut and she looks lifeless. i feel my heart slowly sinking in my stomach. there are people surrounding her and they look at me when they notice my presence.

"don't worry...i think he can help.", kourtney tells this lady who's giving me a stern look.

"okay if i'm doing what i think i'm doing...can we have some space?", i politely ask.

they all nod and disperse, exiting the room. i walk over to where nini is lying and i slip my hand into hers.

"hey...i don't know if you can hear me right now but if i'm being honest, i didn't know how i felt towards you...until someone put it into words for me.", i breath out, "i think i'm falling for you...and i don't even know how this would work because we live two very different lives. but i want to get to know you more...i want to see you everyday...i want to know you."

i gently move her hair out of the way and i suck in a nervous breath. i slowly lean down and lightly press my lips to her soft and pale ones. i taste peppermint chapstick and it makes me chuckle a little how everything is christmas themed with her.

i pull away and clear my throat, waiting. the monitors in the room start to beep and then they level out. i glance down at her when i hear movement against the bed sheets. she coughs a little before pushing herself up. she looks around and blinks her eyes a few times before they widen at the sight of me.

"ricky?!", she exclaims, "woah w-what is happening? am i hallucinating? how are you here? are you actually here even?"

her two friends enter the room again along with that same lady. her friends hug her before looking at me.

"we told you.", kourtney chuckles.

"told him what? what's going on?", nini asks.

"we'll explain it later.", seb smirks.

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