My Ferret

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Malfoy had been acting strange. Ever since he became an ex-Death Eater in our eighth year of Hogwarts, (the facility felt bad that we didn't finish our education) and became my room mate (I was resorted into Slytherin), he'd get twitchy and nerve wracked when the crescent moon came. Of course, when I tried to approach him on the subject, Malfoy would pass it off as nerves. So (naturally) I began stalking him.

The crescent moon came again and Malfoy was acting twitchy. He walked out into the Forbidden Forest after dinner when everyone was in a crowd. I followed him. He took off into a clearing and sat down, starting to shiver and shake. I waited in the brush opposite of him. Malfoy began to snarl and whimper. Before my eyes, Malfoy had the ears and tail of a ferret!!! His teeth elongated into fangs and his eyes became tinted blue around the edges. Malfoy took off his shirt, revealing a green muscle shirt, and his pants were only shreds. He lifted his nose and looked straight through the brush I was in. He growled something and tackled me, wrapping his arms tight around me. "Mine." He growled, biting my shoulder. I yelped and moved backwards straight into the freezing lake. I heard something like a howl before I fell in. I really couldn't swim. At all. I never learned. I'm fucking screwed.

Just when I gave up all hope, my back hit something hard and air was being forced into my lungs. I sat up and coughed. Hands dragged me to my feet and led me away. Mumbling filled my ears. "Got to get mate warm. Mate cold. Mate shivering." It was so annoying. I wanted them to shut up. My shoulder hurt. My head hurt. And I was freezing. I was now in warmth. I opened my eyes, not even aware I had closed them. I was back in my dorm. A thick blanket was thrown at me. "Take off your clothes, Mate. You'll freeze in those." Draco stated as he turned around, ferret tail swishing behind him. Okay, so that wasn't a hallucination. I thought as I stripped and wrapped myself up in the blanket. I went to sit down on the couch but Draco beat me to it and placed me on his lap. I blushed slightly at the somewhat awkward position and shifted. Draco groaned. "Mate, you're killing me." He mumbled against my neck. "Um, Malfoy?" He snarled at the use of his surname. Terrified of his sharp fangs, I mended my question. "Draco," I stressed, "Why do you keep calling me 'Mate'?" I asked. He looked up at me and blinked. His eyes were so pretty with the blue tint surrounding the gray. Wait, what?!? "Because you are my mate." He explained, rubbing his cheek against mine. I blushed again and ducked my head, not sure what to say. Draco laughed. I glared at him. "Your face is so red! It looks good enough to eat!" He exclaimed as he nuzzled the red flesh. I giggled. Draco seemed to like that I giggled as he did it again and again, tickling me til I begged for him to stop. We both froze when we heard the door open. Draco growled and held me tighter against his chest. Hermione, Ron and Ginny were all standing shocked at the doorway. Oh Merlin, we're in the Room of Requirements!! "This actually explains a lot..." Hermione said as Ron stood there shocked and Ginny cried out. "Nooo!! Harry's supposed to be mine!!" Draco growled ferociously at her. "MINE!!!" He roared back, holding me even tighter. It was getting hard to breath. "Guys, give me a second to calm my ferret." I said with a red face. Hermione led the two Weaseley siblings out and shut the door. "Draco, it's too hard to breathe." I gasped. He finally let go and whimpered in apology. "I'm sorry Harry." He whined. "It's okay Draco. Go to sleep." With a final purr, we both went to sleep on the couch.

~~~~In the Morning~~~~~
I woke up to shuffling. I looked up and Draco cursed. He looked me sheepishly. It's not quite as cute as when he's a ferret. I thought, recalling last night. "Sorry, Harry. I meant to get up without waking you." His face was pink as he explained. I chuckled at his adorableness. I got up and Draco covered his red face. "HARRY!!!" He shouted. "What?" I replied. "You don't have any clothes on and as much as I would like for you to remain that way, society isn't so keen on the nudity, baby." He said as he chucked clothes at me. I laughed until I realized something. "Why'd you call me baby?" I asked, pulling on my shirt and zipping up my pants. His face just couldn't get rid of that adorable red hue. "Well, you see. You're my mate and I l..l..." He seemed to struggle in the most un-Malfoy-like way. I scowled. "You what, Draco?" He looked at me with big silver eyes. "I love you, Potter." He whispered. His words made my heart skip a beat. "I love you too, Malfoy." I whispered back before he finally kissed me. "Boyfriends?" He muttered against my lips. "Boyfriends." I mumbled back to his delighted purr.


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