What If?

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What if something changed in the Harry Potter universe that would change history forever? So obviously, I didn't follow the Harry Potter book or movie to a T. It's called 'artistic interpretation'. Requested by awildphangirl. Check em out. Totally awesome and I'm not getting paid to tell you this. Do it!

(Kind of triggering? I don't quite know. But warning none the less.)

Draco had been in the restroom for what seemed like hours. He couldn't stop crying. The mission Voldemort wanted him to do, he just couldn't do it. His uniform was a crumpled mess. He splashed water in his face, sobs overtaking him again. Harry looked in on the sight, half hidden in the shadow. Draco set his hands on the edge of the sink, holding back his emotions. He could hear his father's voice. Get a hold of yourself! Malfoys don't cry! They don't show emotion! Draco shuddered at his thoughts. "Shut up." He rasped, voice rough. The thoughts persisted. You can't be a son of a Malfoy. You're weak! Pathetic! "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP!" He roared, gripping the sink so hard Harry feared it would break. Harry's wand fell to the floor out of his limp grip. Both boys froze at the sudden sound. Draco whirled around to find his nemesis standing shocked in the doorway. "What do you want, Potter?" Harry was surprised to hear no venom in the words. "Come to gloat? Come to blackmail me? Come to bully me?" Draco asked, body half slumped on the sink. He had no emotions left to give. "N-No. Not at all." Harry slightly stuttered out. Draco's gray eyes met Harry's green. "So why have you come?" Harry slightly shrugged. "You looked like you needed somebody." He immediately knew this was the wrong thing to say when Draco stiffened. "I don't need anybody, Potter." Draco raised his wand as Harry raised his hands. "I'm unarmed, Draco. I can't hurt you." Harry took a step and Draco frowned. "Not another step." Harry paused. "Listen to me, Dray. I know what you're going through." Draco grit his teeth. "You don't know what I'm going through. Don't lie, Potter." Harry winced as Draco dug his wand into his chest. "Okay, maybe I don't." Harry admitted, carefully putting his hand on Draco's. He unfurled Draco's tense fingers from the wand. It fell to the floor, forgotten. "Why are you being so nice to me?" Draco asked as he stared intently at their hands. Harry shrugged his shoulders. How are you supposed to tell the guy you supposedly hate that you actually liked him and wanted to snog him to death? Harry busied himself with Draco's hands, tracing the lines and veins. Draco watched Harry's face for emotion as Harry's fingers danced with his. "I don't know myself." Harry admitted as he finally laced their fingers together. Draco's mouth dried at contact. "Stop it!" He hissed, ripping his hands from Harry's. "What? What did I do? Draco?" Harry's voice started sounding like he was far away. Draco began to feel like he was drowning. Harry began to freak as Draco's breathing became harsh. He began to gasp as he fall to the floor. "Draco!" Harry screamed as he pulled the panicking boy into a hug. He began to rub his back. "Come back to me. It's okay now Draco. Shh. Shh. It's okay." Harry muttered sweet words into Draco's ear as he slowly regained his breathing. "Why? Why are you so nice to me? I've been nothing but cruel to you and your friends." Draco moaned, tears on his face. Harry smiled, wiping the tears. "I don't know. I don't enjoy seeing you so....sad. Defeated. I may not like the arrogant Malfoy, but I don't like depressed Draco either." Draco gave a wet chuckle. "You're an idiot." Draco mumbled as he curled into Harry's chest. "And you're a prat." Harry muttered back as he began to rock. Draco was almost asleep before he felt the need to tell Harry something. "..Harry?" Harry stopped. "Yeah, Draco?" Draco's eyelids fluttered as he walked the line between being asleep and awake.  "I love you." Draco sighed as he embraced the Boy Who Lived. Harry's smile was bright. Draco fell asleep to "I love you too, Draco."


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