Potter's Pet Part Three

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It had been a long year for Harry Potter. He had defeated the Dark Lord with the help of his ferret but at the extent of so many lives. Including Draco Lucius Malfoy. He sat on the battlefield, holding Draco's body against his. "Dray, I love you. I love you so damn much." He whispered into the dead man's ear, using the pet name he created years ago. Harry James Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the Savior of the Wizarding World, sat there with a dead body in his lap and he cried. This was a long one shot of Potter's pet and lover.

Harry stood there at the altar with Ginny Weasley, ignoring the hole in his heart like he had for so many years. Ginny smiled at him and he weakly returned it. Ginny had been there for him during his time of grief and the Weaselys had arranged their marriage much to Ginny's excitement. Harry didn't feel anything. He felt numb without his ferret. Ron had gotten him a replacement ferret but it was all wrong. The fur was striped instead of solid white, the eyes were a dull brown and the claws were dark. The priest jolted Harry out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry?" Harry said politely. "Do you, Harry Potter, take Ginny Weasely to be your longfully wedded wife?" Harry stared and thought. Just as he opened his mouth to say I do, a voice cut through the tense silence. "WAIT!! I OBJECT!!" Everyone in the church turned to glare at the newcomer. Harry's eyes widened as his heart sped up. Blonde hair and gray eyes, that stupid smirk that Harry loved so much, it was impossible, it was unthinkable, it was...."Draco Lucius Malfoy." Harry whispered before running away from the altar and straight into Draco's waiting arms. Draco peppered his face with adoring kisses as Harry returned a few. Tears of joy and disbelief fell down Harry's face. "But I watched you die." He choked. Draco wiped the tears away and tenderly cupped his face. "You didn't give me a chance, Potty. I was unconscious and near death. The doctor said and I quote, 'There is a big difference between near death and death.'" Harry laughed and held Draco closer than he ever held his ferret. Draco sniffed him and frowned. "You replaced me?" He growled. Harry blushed. "It was a gift to help me get over my grief." He mumbled. Satisfied, Draco bent Harry low and began to kiss the Boy Who Lived in front of everyone in the church. Harry didn't mind because he was finally with his ferret.

So Ginny called off the wedding much to her family's sadness. (They almost had a famous son-in-law!) Harry and Draco got married and Harry took on the Malfoy surname. They now live happily together and they wouldn't have it any other way.

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