Chapter 9: Golf

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Friday went by quickly.

Carlos called in the morning to greet her and Lily. They spoke briefly because he was about to go for a run and she's running late waiting for Anita to pick Lily up and take her to Nursery.

He had a long day ahead with training and meetings lined up. He is actually meeting Rupert on Sunday so they can travel to France together. Ruper is also British.

She on the other hand, have a lot of catching up to do at work.

It wasn't until early evening that she finally managed to check her phone to see two missed calls from Carlos. she dials him back when she got to Anita's.


"Hey! Sorry I missed your calls"

"It's okay. I got busy as well with meetings. I just want to know the plan tomorrow,no?"

"Yeah, you said golf with your friends then dinner right? Where are we playing golf?"

"We? Do you play golf?" His eyes brightened at the thought of it

"I mean I assumed we're playing because what else will I do there? I know how to but I don't really play. Well i haven't in years since my grandfather passed."
She shared.

"Oh sorry. But yes we're playing. So you know Blackheath Golf Club. We start around 10 am. I can pick you up at 7 no?"

"That's a long drive for you, just meet me at Euston station around 9? I'll book my train ticket later."

"Are you sure?"

Lily tried to squeeze her face to look at Carlos on the screen.

He waves at her to say hi Bunny

"Yes.... And we are heading off to go home now...i'll see you tomorrow"

"I miss you"

He can hear Anita shriek at the background
"I miss you, too, Carlos"

He laughs but he focused on Victoria who seems to be contemplating a response.

"No. Not you, Anita" he laughs

"I miss you, too. Now goodnight" she says bashfully before ending the call.


Anita is giving her the look.

"I miss you? Really? You were just together yesterday"

"He is Spanish so he is very expressive and affectionate. I am just getting used to it all and to be honest I kind of like it. How he is all touchy feely even in public"
"Ohhh touchy feely huh?"

"Not that and your dirty mind" she pushes her aside.

She books her train ticket which arrives 8:45 at London Euston station.  She sends the screenshot to Carlos so he knows

"Actually Vic, why don't you just sleepover so that you don't have to bring Lily here so early tomorrow. You have clothes here and so does Lily

"You know I told you to get rid of those clothes for me"

"They're all so pretty I just couldn't let them go. Actually i was hoping i'd lose weight and fit into them" she heads upstairs to get the trunk full of her old clothes.

She ended up picking a mini dress that can double as a golf outfit and a few of her old dresses to pick from for dinner

"I hate you because even after having a child you still fit into these beauties."

"I just need shoes. Can i borrow a pair of trainers?"

"Sure. Not that I use them anyway"


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