Chapter 14: Anita

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Anita almost fell off her bed when she read Victoria's message.  She picked up a still sleeping Lily and rushed to Carlos and Victoria's suite.

It's 6:00 am and this is not how she envisioned her Sunday to begin.

Victoria opens the door.

"Oh Vic! I'm so sorry." She gives her a tight hug and they squish Lily between them.

"You were right again" she says as she takes the now awake Lily from her.

"Did you sleep well, bunny?"

Lily was signing for milk so Victoria sat her on the chair by the kitchen bar to give her some milk and cereals.

Anita walks over to greet Carlos who is getting ready to leave.

"Good morning, Carlos" as she gives him a kiss on the cheek.

He whispers to her "she's so scared last night but she's doing better now"

He grabs his bag and said"I have to leave you ladies. I need to head down to meet Rupert and prep for the race. " he leans in to kiss Victoria "so will you go watch from the garage?"

Victoria shrugs her shoulders and smiles "my identity has been revealed, so i guess it's a yes."

"See you later mi amor" he kisses her again

Then he signs to say goodbye to Lily.

Anita looks at  Victoria with her all knowing look

"Mi amor? Spill it, Victoria." She warns her

So they spent the next two hours talking about what happened the night before


"So you made Carlos google you but not your father?" Anita walks back and forth to the point that it's making her dizzy

"Will you please stop walking, you're driving me dizzy" she holds both her shoulders to make her stop.

"Okay. Okay. This is making me all tense knowing Stavros Latsis might be storming into Northamptonshire and taking you away. So, later tonight before sexy time..." Anita holds her hands together as if in prayer "please let him google your father so that he'd understand where the fear is coming from" she glanced at Victoria who is deep in thought

"Yeah, we will definitely talk tonight before he leaves tomorrow for Zandvoort. "



"Okay, their schedule is crazy. If an opportunity comes, which is unlikely, remind me to never date a racing driver"

"But Carlos and I are actually thinking of setting you up with his former McLaren teammate Lando Norris."

"The chap you went to golf with? I'll pass. He's way too young for me. You know I don't date younger men and preferably not English because I'm done with gentlemen" she laughs

"You are too picky, milady" Victoria teases.

"No racing driver.  Not happening, love"

"If you insist. I'll tell Carlos."

Anita went back to her room to prepare.

Lily and Victoria spent the next hour playing. They've missed each other after spending two nights away from each other.

By lunch they head out to the paddock to go to the Ferrari hospitality area.
While waiting for their car,  Anita started the conversation again.

"Vic, now that you and Carlos are officially a couple, you need to tell Nan, so she can give your mum the heads up, you know"

"Yeah. That's another matter I need to attend to, Anita. I need to tell Henry's parents, and Nan. I plan to do it over the holidays. " Victoria sighs and drops her head over Anita's shoulders. Anita is much taller than her.

"I'm happy for you. Two years is such a long time and you're young, you deserve another shot at love"

"Thanks. You know I love you"

"Yeah but our love will not give your lady bits the attention they deserve"

"Stop it. You're disgusting. " as they laugh to the point that people look at them as if they're crazy women

"Let's just hope your father doesn't go all out Thanos when he finds out you're now dating a hot and sexy Formula 1 driver"

"I know."


Lily was extra clingy to Anita because she promised her sweets again. So while Victoria was with Carlos in his room, she took her carrier and they headed to the hospitality area. There's not many people in the third floor because people are either in the garage or in the VIP area. It's only a few guests having some beers so she and Lily went out to the balcony because no one is there.

Anita needed to breathe some fresh air before things go crazy again. She really doesn't get Formula 1. It's still 3 hours before the race and people are all over the paddock.

She sat in one of the sofas and she let Lily walk around playing with the decorative plants.

Anita had this habit of unconsciously speaking in French when she's thinking aloud, so she did just that while trying to figure out the worst case scenario.

"What are we going to do now, bunny? Your evil gramps might go mad amidst all these and just take you and your mum away."

"Your mum's been my bestfriend since we were 5. I can't imagine how life will be if you both will be locked up in Porto Heli or Lucerne or wherever your gramps will put you"

"Anita, right" says a voice behind her in French "i thought you were English but you were speaking jn French no?"

Anita jumped in shock to see Charles standing by the door
"Jesus! You scared me. What the hell are you doing there? Aren't you supposed to be down there driving cars?"

"I am. I just had to get my things ready from my room ,which is right below this when I thought i heard frantic ramblings in French, so went up check it out."

"Shit." She bites her lower lip in panic.
"Can that be our secret?" She pleads in French
"My lips are sealed"as he gestures zipping his lips and sealing it with a wink


"So, Anita, are you watching the race from the garage or from here?"

"Just here. I really don't get the going around in circles thing. I'm sorry. But good luck later. Hope you win"

"Thanks. Ciao"

Charles found himself smiling after that conversation with Carlos' girlfriend's friend. She is an interesting character.

 She is an interesting character

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