Chapter 20: Madrid

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Still in Abu Dhabi

"Your 2023 Formula 1 World Champion, Carlos Sainz" announced Martin Brundle

Carlos took the top step at the podium beaming with happiness throwing his fist in the air.

"So Carlos, how does it feel you are now World Champion?"

"Unbelievable to be honest. Of course, it is a dream I had since I was 5 years old and it is extra special to have my family here with me, my mom, my dad, my sisters and my girlfriend, Victoria.m. Phew... it's not easy the last 8 years but the team made it possible so I share this with all the guys and girls here and at Maranello."

Victoria was looking up at Carlos beaming with pride as tears stream down her face. He was looking at her from the podium, and he mouthed the words "Te Amo". She was crying so she signed "i love you". Carlos was looking at her with so much tenderness and  love she can't wait to give him a proper kiss. She is overflowing with love and happiness.

Martin Brundle continued with the interview and she wasn't able to catch the question but Carlos started talking about her.

"I met my girlfriend, Victoria at a time when I just wasn't myself. Then she came into my life... " Carlos paused as if lost for words" .. and she always left me with this grin whenever I would read her texts. I just couldn't sleep when we're not together. I wouldn't be world champion today if I did not meet you, my love. " he looks at Victoria who is crying  as she mumbles "Te amo"

"You were the missing piece in the puzzle, Victoria. Te amo"

Everyone in the audience were clapping and was touched by his public declaration of love. His mother and sisters were all crying. Ana was hugging Victoria and they were both bawling.


After all the celebrations at the garage and the paddock, Carlos finally had some time with Victoria in his driver's room before they go to the victory party with the team at the Marina. He was changing into dry clothes since his race suit was soaked with champagne, beer, and sweat. She was seated on his massage bed just staring at him. He never imagined she'd see him be World Champion in person. He was resolved that he will win the championship and then he will win her over.

"I thought I was dreaming when I saw you this evening. Is this for good or did you just escape security?" He asks

Victoria gave him a soft smile before tilting her head as if she's thinking of an answer.

"What do you think?" She teases

"I think your father finally approve, correct?" he walked towards her to give her a kiss

She wraps her arms around his waist before resting her head at the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around her and let his hands caress the small of her back.

"Hmmm... maybe is my answer" she looks up to kiss him on the chin.

"So your father maybe approves of me?" He tilts his head

"You're feeling confident, Mr. Sainz. Hmm I should ask him again now that you are world champion" she smiles at him while palming his face feeling his stubble that she loves so much.

"At least i get more points you think?"

He hugs her tight kissing her forehead. She can hear him breathing.

"Definitely. But you've already won me and that's what's important" she kisses him again and she can feel his smile in between that kiss

"I can't wait to have you." Carlos says while cupping her breasts with his hands

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