Chapter 16: Holidays

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Powell Estate, Devonshire

Victoria and Lily arrived at the estate of Henry's parents two days before Christmas eve. They were picked up by Henry's dad, Will, at the train station.

Charlotte, Henry's mum, knows that she started seeing Carlos just after Silverstone. What she doesn't know yet is how her past as Victoria Latsis came haunting her in Spa. This will have an effect on her and Lily's life should her father decide to intervene.

Once they arrived, Victoria and Lily settled in their room. After putting Lily in her cot at the nursery, she went down to help Charlotte with supper.

While they were preparing the roast and the pie, Charlotte opened the topic by asking if she's still seeing Carlos.

"So darling, tell me, this man you are seeing, you say he's a racer? Are you still seeing each other?"

"Yes, his name is Carlos Sainz. Remember I told you last time we spoke that we'll watch him race in Spa?"

"Oh yes. I do recall.  Did you have fun watching the race?"

"Yes, immensely. Lily enjoyed being in the paddock because she likes being around people"

"Did she? Our little bunny grows up so fast."

"She does and she's becomming more and more like Henry"

Charlotte was quiet, then she grabs Victoria's hand.

"Lily will always be part you and part Henry. After Henry's death, I never thought I'd see that glow back into your eyes dear. I'm sure this is what Henry would have wanted" Charlotte tries to hide her tears but was unsuccessful.

 I'm sure this is what Henry would have wanted" Charlotte tries to hide her tears but was unsuccessful

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Victoria was crying, too. She gave Charlotte a tight hug before she whispered"thank you for giving me your blessings when I told you about it last month. "

"Of course, my dear. Of course. You deserve to be happy in this life. So come on, tell me how's it been with Mr formula 1"

They both wipe their tears and laugh at their ruined make up. She tells her about Carlos and the Grand Prix in Belgium.

She shared that it's still too early to tell how their relationship will develop from here but as she told Charlotte, "We are trying to make it work. So far, we're doing okay, he travels more to see us than we do because I have work and Lily. that's convenient for now that Lily started spending weekdays at the nursery."

"And work, is fine, I suppose?"

"Yes, I am actually thinking if I should request to be transferred to the London office, so that I can put Lily in a good school once she starts next year.

"Do what you think is best and we'll support you"

She always envied Henry and Anita for having loving and supportive parents. She failed to see that she gets to enjoy having them in her life as well. Charlotte and William treated her as their own ever since that first summer break she spent with them and Henry. Holidays with them warmed her heart and she was also grateful on how well they take care of Lily.

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