Chapter 12: Èze

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The last two races of the mid season were not good for Carlos. Ferrari strategy caused him a podium in France and a possible win in Hungary. He went straight home to Madrid after the media duties.

In Mallorca, his family noticed something is different with him. He no longer has that painful aura that he has been exuding since finding out about Inez and her affair.

"You seem happy now, Carlos. Care to share what or who is causing that happiness?" His mother asked while they were mixing burgers.

He laughs at how well his mother knows him.
"I really can't keep a secret from you, Mama. Well, it is too early to say really, but I met a wonderful girl in the UK last month and we agreed to continue to see each other"

"Really? Tell me about this girl"

He shows her his phone wallpaper of Victoria blowing kisses.

"She is very beautiful. She is English?"

"Half British and half Greek. Her name is Victoria. I met her by accident. Literally an accident while I was out for a run before Silverstone. Caco, Rupert, and myself had to bring her and her baby to the hospital because she crashed her bicycle because of me." He smiles at the memory.


"Si, she has a two year old daughter. She is widowed, mama."

He knew his mother was surprised to hear everything he is telling her but she just nods and listens.

"Anyway, if this works out, I'll invite her and her baby, so that you could meet them. Right now, I like her and she makes me happy."

His mother smiles. "That's all that matters."

He needed that time off to recharge from a tiring and draining season.  He spent much of the week paddle boarding and swimming from their yacht. He hopes someday he can take Victoria with him to Spain and meet his family.

Based on how she handled meeting and spending time with his friends in the UK, she seems to be a natural at dealing with people. She is graceful and confident. Maybe because of the maturity of what she went through in life but she is not like the other women he dated before who always demand attention. He smiles just thinking about this. She is truly an admirable woman—a keeper.

They call each other everyday for the past week

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They call each other everyday for the past week. It is good that it's only an hour difference between Madrid and the UK.

Victoria has been busy with work and Lily starting sign language lessons.

He can't wait to spend the next 6 days with her and Lily. From their conversation, they will just meet at Nice on Wednesday.  Victoria said she and Lily can take a commercial flight from London and it's not going to be a problem. Carlos insisted that he arrange a car to at least pick them up and take them to the airport. After a long discussion, she finally agreed.

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