Chapter 18: Te Extraño

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For the first week of the summer break, Carlos, Victoria, and Lily decided to spend a week in Italy. Carlos had some sponsor meetings scheduled so it is best to just stay in Italy to maximize their time together.

Victoria and Lily flew in two days early so that Lily can get used to the weather. It can get very humid in

They have spoken a lot over Facetime since Silverstone and the meeting with her grandmother and her mother.

Victoria is pretty sure Carlos is thinking about what her mother said to him.

Carlos arrived in Positano after a long flight from Maranello.

"Hello my love, long flight?" She asks him as he stands by the door frame of their room. Carlos does look tired.

"Long and bumpy flight" he responds as he walks towards the bed. He jumps right in facedown.

"I had a busy day yesterday then today i had to do a few laps in the new tires before heading here"

"Ohhh you poor thing..." she sits by the end of the bed to take off his shoes.

"Where is the baby?" He asks about Lily

"In the other room playing" then she glances at the baby monitor by the bedside to double check.

Carlos took a long nap and by the time he woke up it's already time for dinner. Victoria spent the whole afternoon playing and practicing sign language with Lily. She also drafted her resignation letter and sent a long email to Anita, hoping she'd find time to read it while she's in the US with Martin.

They had dinner in a restaurant by the beach. Lily was a bit fussy so they headed back immediately after.  They spoke about Carlos' busy schedule because this season, he is vying for the World Championship being third in the points. His teammate Charles is leading by just 20 points and he and Max are just 8 points apart. Mid season, the title can swing three ways.
The next day, Carlos went to the gym early to lift some weights. Then he joined Victoria and Lily for breakfast.

He was getting good at sign language because he is now able to speak with Lily without asking Victoria for help.

Lily adores Carlos and still calls him Fox.

"You know she will grow up calling you Fox." She stares at them while having a bite of her toast

"I like being Fox, right Lily" then he signs to Lily to ask what orher animals does he look like and Lily guffaws.

"No one can make her laugh like you. Maybe instead of Fox she should call you Bozo"

"Bozo the clown? No, mi amor. Maybe soon she can call me Papa?"

"Carlos...we've spoken about this." the dam of tears she has been holding are close to breaking.

"You know I am serious, no?" He holds her hand and then he signs to Lily "you want to call me Papa some day right?"

Lily signs "Yes"

Victoria hugs him from behind resting her face on his back.

"Yes, I know you are serious my love. But right now, it's still too early to discuss marriage"

 But right now, it's still too early to discuss marriage"

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