Chapter 10: Sunday

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Victoria wakes up to Carlos sucking her nipples and taking his share of the breastmilk she was not able to pump out last night.

The feel of Carlos' sucking mouth, his swirling wet tongue, robs her of of all her senses. He licks his way over to her other breast—palming and then sucking to quench his thirst.

She feels the hard ridge of his cock between her legs.

"hmmm... that feels good. I didn't know you like breastmilk in the morning." She teases him while struggling to get her eyes open. She grabs his head to guide him to her other breast.

He responds with a deep moan as he continues to suck her breast—soothing her from the pressure. She likes the tingling sensation his stubble brings when it rubs on her smooth skin.

He stops and she feels his breath warm and minty on her face as he lifts up onto his elbows and both hands try to smoothen her hair. Carlos looks down at her with so much affection and tenderness in his eyes.

He kisses her nose then her lips. Both of them trying to even their breathing.

"It's Sunday. Do you know what Sunday is?" He asks with a cheeky grin.

"Rest day?"

"No. Sunday is race day" he responds with his naughty tone.

"Ohhh." Was all she can say as he went on to flick one of her nipples with this dexterous tongue.

Her fingers curl into his hair as a low moan escapes her as his fingers slide up her inner thigh.

Her whole body burns for him.

Qualifying last night left her short of breath, she's not sure what race day with Carlos is going to be like


Carlos reaches to the nightstand and gets a condom from the drawer.  He sure did put a lot in there knowing he'd have Victoria all to himself yesterday and today.

He pinned her body with his and without another word he is inside her again.

Victoria's gasp at the fullness of him.

He stops and his deep set eyes stare at hers...
"Mamma mia  Victoria, I never thought I would have you. I never even let myself hope for you, dream for you... and yet you are mine..."

"Yours." A blush creeping through her already flushed cheeks. She lifts her legs wide and slide them around his back.

"You are beautiful. Fucking beautiful." As he kisses her and nips her lower lip as he pulls out and slams back in

"Look at me, Victoria. Look at me..."

The moment she does, he pulls out of her and then, drives back inside, all the while holding her stare.

"Is this what you want?"

  "Yes," as she grips his shoulders and he makes love to her slamming in and out with her whole body pinned to the bed with his

  "I'm close...more baby." she begs while her fingers dig deep into the skin of his back.

He can feel her clenching his cock which means she's about to come.

Dipping his head, he kissed her before kneeling up and taking hold of her leg, moving it around to the other side of his body.

Tilting her hips, he starts up again, this time with slower thrusts. His fingers start to tease her clit...

"Carlos..." as she struggles to get words out

  "That's it..yes Victoria...that's it.. move with me" His voice is is carnal as his tempo increases, moving in and out of her

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