Chapter 11: Heiress

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Victoria spent the 3 hour train ride from Euston in deep thought. Did she make the right decision to take this leap with Carlos or are things moving too fast?

She's always been a risk taker her whole life but now that she has Lily, she should have been more careful with her decisions because it affects her daughter now, too.

She just listened to her heart and it feels right. Everything she has started with Carlos feels right.

Anita and Lily picked her up from the station and they went straight to her flat. She invited Anita for dinner so that they can catch up, but she just wants someone to talk to.

Lily was fussy maybe because she missed her. This wasn't the longest time they've been apart. They once spent 15 days apart when she got COVID and she asked Anita to care for Lily during isolation.

She still had a few frozen pies from last Sunday so she just popped one in the oven for dinner.


She lies on the sofa while Lily latched to her left breast.

"You should really wean her off the breast, Vic."

"I know. I'm trying my best to not give in when she's fussy. I kind of miss wearing a bra again." She laughs at the thought because for sure Carlos will not be happy about that.

Lily has been learning to count using sign. So she's practicing while feeding.

"Wow you are getting good at counting hun" she signs

Anita walks towards the other side of the sofa to a slump

"Yeah, that's why the tot didn't miss you... she liked her weekend with Fish. we practiced counting by eating sweets"
Anita chuckles

"Oh you evil twat! Did you give her too much sweets while I am away?

"Our little secret, right Lily Bunny? So while mummy is getting her lady bits some loving. we're having fun here with all the sweets right bunny"

Victoria covers Lily's ears while giving Anita the naughty look

"So, will you share how your weekend went?"

"Well... i won't tell you about the naughty bits while Lily is here. But i will tell you that first, it was good..." she gives her the if you know you know look "and we spoke and we will try to make this long distance thing work"

Anita's face changed from playful to serious.

"While I am happy you seem to like Carlos and he seems to be so enamored with you, I am sure it's all roses and chocolates right now. But Vic, he's world famous you know. You cannot hide behind a mask forever. At some point, people will recognize you."

"I have been thinking about that since we spent our first night together." She feels like she will throw up at the thought of being recognized.

"Yeah hon, Formula 1 isn't Northamptonshire.  It's out there. " Anita looks at her with worry but also assurance that she's there for her

"I've forgotten who I was before all these. These past few years, I was just Victoria Powell"

"Vic, you are still Victoria Powell, but you are also Victoria Kerr-Latsis. If things get serious with Carlos, you have to at least tell him you're the Greek Anastasia and the heiress to a multi billion dollar empire"

"Greek Anastasia" is what the greek press calls her. 
After being groomed as the heiress to her father's 13 billion dollar empire, she simply disappeared after Uni.

"You were able to do it, Lady Anita of Nelson" rolling her eyes

Anita is the youngest daughter of Lord Peter Nelson,  9th Earl Nelson. She and Victoria went to St. Paul's Girl's School together, the most expensive maximum security prison in the whole of England. They've been friends since.

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