Chapter 17: Baba

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Silverstone, United Kingdom

The British media has picked up what the Spanish tabloids posted during New Year's. It did not take long before they were able to identify Carlos Sainz' mystery girl as Victoria Powell or better known as heiress Victoria Latsis. The Spanish tabloids had a feast day when they found out Victoria is the "missing" heiress to a 13 billion empire.

After conferring with Carlos and his PR people, Mindi in particular, Victoria agreed that it is best to just release a statement confirming their relationship. It is just a matter of time before the Greek media jumps into the bandwagon now that their favorite Greek Anastasia has resurfaced.

"With the British GP a few days away, it is best if you and Lily stay with Carlos" says Caco states

"I will bring Lily to stay with her grandparents in Devonshire tomorrow. This might be too much for her" Victoria said while handing Carlos her phone to show another article.

The British press knows no boundaries so she might end up being hounded by the paparazzi once they find out where she lives.

Anita has been busy with her personal life since she started dating the toff Martin Gillkes, so she wasn't able to talk to her about this whole thing.  Their last conversation was last Sunday where she said she'll meet them on raceday because apparently, Martin likes F1.


She has been monitoring the Greek press and so far only two articles came out and her father has not been asked about her. It's only a matter of time before that happens because now she and Carlos are all over the UK tabloids.

A big bulk of their business are actually in the UK and Switzerland so if the UK press hits hard, her father will likely feel it and the ripples will definitely hit her and everyone on his path.


On Wednesday, Victoria and Carlos met with his PR team and Caco to prepare for the wave of media attention that is coming their way for Thursday

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On Wednesday, Victoria and Carlos met with his PR team and Caco to prepare for the wave of media attention that is coming their way for Thursday.

"My father probably has his own people monitoring the news. I don't know what his move will be. The press is shifting the angle to a question of succession. He definitely will want me back to put an end to the "chaos"."

"So now we just wait or we go offensive and put you out there?" Mindi asks

"We've admitted that we are together.  It is best to not touch on the matters that involves my father and I. Best to focus on my relationship with Carlos. The best way to go about this is to just dictate the stories and not give the press a free pass to write what they want. So, the statement works for now and Carlos affirming in case he gets asked about it tomorrow. " she sighs and just said "I'm sorry to drag all of you into this"

"Got it and don't worry about it" Mindi types notes on her iPad

"And tomorrow I just follow the statement no?" Carlos asks while caressing Victoria's shoulders

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