
15 4 2

Do you still remember Summer '02?
Remember the desert air, your every secret glance?
Remember that summer drive, we finally felt alive?
Driving somewhere hearts couldn't take you
Driving somewhere you said the sky was always blue
Wits in the backseat, we were riding shotgun
Hearts behind the wheel, riding high on emotion
Our song on the radio, playing on some deadbeat station
And we didn't notice summer change to heartbreak season
Tell me where did we go wrong?
Tell me why our left turns, tell me why they felt right, when all they did was lead us where we left wronged.
Convincing ourselves that two wrongs made a right
Red to green
Soothing our worries saying a crash was just a sight
To see
Now our song only brings back memories of a bad bad time, a sad sad crime.
And that old station only plays songs flashing blue and red, left for dead.
Summer 02, a long lost tune, an old memory turned blue.

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