An Evil Wizard

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But then a big huge bug crashed into the school! We fell on the floor as it was destroying the academy!  Erza  and the others (a.k.a the strongest team!) started to fight the big huge bug! The person on it just stood there like it was nothing!
"We got to help them" shouted Michelle. I noded.
Then we showed our TRUE self!
"Ice Dragon Roar. Water Dragon Roar!" both of us screamed! After we did the roar Natsu,Wendy and Gazeel looked at us like we were jumping off a cliff!
"You guys are Dragon Slayers too?" asked Wendy
"Is it really the time?" I replied
We fought harder but it was too hard so me and Michelle did our special TECHNIC! "Go at the back guys" roared Michelle! (It was loud! People screaming and all)
"What" asked Erza
"Just go behide us" I replied. They went behide us! Then we did our SPECIAL TECHNIC!
We puted a small circle!
"By the Lord of the DRAGONS we ask you our GOD'S! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP!-
"WHAT THE....." Gazeel whispered
"Water Dragon Slayer Ice Dragon Slayer,  we ask for your POWER!
WATER-ICE TERNADO!!" WE SCREAMED! It hitted the huge bug! The bug fell then it faithed in thin air! But the person on the bug was gone?!

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