Chapter 1

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Cheryl's POV

I'm late. First X factor meeting in about 4 years and I'm late.

I've decided to come back to X factor this year because it just felt right. Lots of people have made up lots of different stories to why I'm back, most of them false, but if I'm honest I just missed it.

So many things have changed since I was last on it.

Me and Jean have been together about a year, we moved in together about 3 months into our relationship and at that point I was the happiest person in the world.

Now I'm not.

He doesn't let me go anywhere without checking with him first, if I'm ever texting someone when I'm with him he goes crazy and god help me if I talk to a guy when he's around.

I know what your thinking, an abusive relationship. I couldn't disagree with you but it's not as bad as your thinking. He's only ever hit me a few times, but it's always after I've done something wrong so I deserve it.

He may not physically hurt me much but he says a lot of things to me though, he calls me fat and ugly on a daily basis. It's true though, I am, so he's just pointing out the obvious to me. He's my boyfriend, if he doesn't tell me this kind of stuff, who would?

Even though he doesn't hit me often, he grabs onto my wrists a lot and holds too hard leaving marks.

Nobody knows about all this of course and nobody needs to. This is what every relationship is like, everyone has arguments, nothing can be perfect. I keep it quiet and nobody is that close to me anymore so nobody guesses what's going on. On the odd occasion that I have a bruise on my face I cover it with a lot of make up and nobody seems to notice.

I do love him, no matter what happens he always reassures me that he loves me and I love him too. The sex is never great but I do it because I love him and that's what he wants. He always takes full control and I let him.

We finally pull up at the building where the meeting is taking place, I'm only 20 minutes late. I thought I'd be later if I'm honest.

Me and Jean had had an argument before I left he house all because I wanted to take my phone with me to this meeting. He wanted to know why I didn't want to leave it with him and then he didn't seem to believe I was actually going to a meeting.

There had also then been traffic which made me later than I already was.

I thank my driver, get out of the car and make my way towards the building. I'm happy for a moment because I can't see any paps meaning I shouldn't have any problems.

I'm told which meeting room to go to and as I make my way there I can't stop thinking about the last time I was here. I had just divorced Ashley, and I was moving to America for a while. Look how well that worked out. Everything seemed so different then but I was younger and didn't seem to have a proper care in the world. I feel different now because I guess I grew up.

I walked down the endless corridors before finally stopping outside of the room I needed to be in. I could hear talking from the other side of the door so I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Look who finally decides to join us."

"Very funny Simon. I was stuck in traffic." Well it's half true.

"It's fine, other people were late too cause of the traffic. You know I just like teasing you."

"Yeah." He made a smile appear on my face and as he pulled me into a hug he whispered in my ear asking if I was ok. It made me smile about how protective he was over me, he was almost like a second father. I pulled back, nodded and gave him my most convincing fake smile which he seemed to fall for, and he dropped the topic.

"Cheryl, you remember Louis?"

"Yeah, hey Louis."

"Hey Cheryl." He awkwardly pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the check. He's always been an awkward little man, it makes me laugh really. Before I could start a conversation with Louis Simon spoke up again.

"Cheryl, this is one of the newbies, Mel."

"Hey Cheryl."

"Hey Mel." I pulled her into a hug and we both kissed each other on the check before pulling away. We had met once or twice at award ceremony's so I knew this year was gonna be fun.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine thanks. You?"

"Yeah good thanks." It seems that we were just making mindless chatter and I wondered what we were waiting for.

We all moved to sit round the big table and Simon started talking about something that his dogs had done this morning but I wasn't really listening. Suddenly a thought popped into my mind.



"Isn't there supposed to be another newbie?"

"Yeah, she's here but just before you came she stepped outside to take a phone call."

"Oh ok."

"I think you'll like her you know, she's just like you."

I smiled at this thought, it might be nice having someone to talk to, that's not already been scared off by Jean.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear Simon speak up again, he may be a nice person but he does love to hear his own voice.

"She was in one or two musicals, then got a presenting job, not many people know her but I saw her do that and I thought she was good so I took a risk and hired her for this year."

"Aww ok, so hardly anyone will know her when she first starts?"

"Nah, hopefully she'll get more popular from this though."

The conversation then turned back onto Simon's dogs and frankly I couldn't care less.

I got my phone out to see that I had no new messages. No surprise there. All my friends hardly talked to me anymore because they say I never come to see them and there's no chance that I'll get a message from Jean. He has more important things to do with his day.

I put my phone back in my jacket pocket and try to act interested in the conversation happening in front of me, however luckily for me I don't have to do this for long.

The door opens and in walks the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She's got dirty long blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes and an amazing figure.

"Cheryl this is Kimberley Walsh. She's the new Xtra Factor presenter." Her eyes connect with mine, she smiles at me and I can't help but smile back, it felt like for a few seconds the world stopped and in those few seconds we were the only ones in the room.

She's absolutely gorgeous.

Please let me know what you think, I don't know whether I should keep this going and don't worry I won't forget about my other fanfic :)

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