Chapter 8

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Kim's POV

"Cheryl? What's happened?"

"Please just come, I'm at home. I need you."

Before I could say anything the line went dead.

Once I had cleared it with Simon and the producers, I couldn't get away from the X Factor auditions quicker.

Luckily, the producers had given me the afternoon off to go and see Cheryl. They were all worried about her so it was quite easy to do.

Lily and Simon wanted to come with me but I convinced them that I should go on my own seeing as she called me and they agreed as long as I rang them as soon as possible to update them on what was happening.

I already had an idea in my mind of what had happened, which involved Jean, but I wasn't going to jump to conclusions and tell anyone incase it wasn't true.

I had driven myself to the auditions this morning meaning I could get to Cheryl's easily.

I remembered the route from when I went round to lunch the other day so I didn't have any hassle.

I could tell I was driving fast than I should have been but I didn't really care, it only took me about 20 minutes to pull in to her driveway.

I got out of the car and saw paps had appeared and were now taking photos but once again I didn't care.

I noticed Cheryl's car was the only car in the driveway so Jean shouldn't be here.

I'm about to open the door when I realise it's already open, I go in and close the door behind me.


I get no reply and notice that she isn't downstairs so I make my way upstairs.

I go towards the room I remember to be her bedroom and as I go in I see her curled up in a ball on the floor in front of the bed crying her eyes out.

"Cheryl." I say her name in a whisper because I simply couldn't get anything else out.

Her phone is next to a wall smashed on the floor, all the photo frames with photos in that I once saw on top of the drawers and bedside tables were smashed on the floor and there's one next to her on the floor.

She looks up at me and her eyes are so bloodshot that I can tell she has been crying for a while.

I just stand there staring at her and the room before I hear my name come from her lips.


I suddenly remember why I'm here and make my way over to her.

She sits up slightly so when I get to her I sit next to her pull her into a hug.

Straight away I can feel her tears through my t-shirt but I don't mind.

"What happened Cheryl?"

She was still crying so her words weren't coming out properly. "I tried...I really tried...he hurt me...I just want to get away from him."

"Alright babe. It's gonna be ok, I'm here now." I rubbed one of my hands up and down her back hoping to give her some sort of comfort.

We stayed there in silence for a few minutes until I heard Cheryl's sobs stop.

"Cheryl, do you want to come to mine?"

"Yes please."

"Ok, wait here for a minute." I helped her up and sat her on the bed.

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