Chapter 9

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Kim's POV

Cheryl had been living with me for a few days now and I couldn't be happier. Just knowing that she was with me and safe in my arms made me happy.

Due to commitments with The X Factor I hadn't seen Sarah, Nadine and Nicola in a while and I was missing them so after asking Cheryl if it was ok, they were coming round for a girls night tonight.

Our girls night normally consisted of a lot of alcohol and we thought this would be a good way to cheer Cheryl up.

I was excited for Cheryl to meet them, I know we will all get on really well but I can see Cheryl is slightly worried.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, I promise."

"Yeah I know, just what if they don't like me?'

"I already know they will, Nicola is a fan of yours anyway so she likes you, Nadine will start talking about clothes and I'm sure you know a lot about clothes too so you can talk about that and as long as you drink Sarah will like you."

Before Cheryl can say anything the doorbell rings letting us know they are here. I place a kiss on her forehead on the way past her and make my way to the door.

As soon as I open the door I'm met with 3 of my best friends pulling me into a massive group hug.


I couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm and they soon joined in with me.

"Come on, come through you idiots."

They followed me into the living room and I noticed Cheryl wasn't in there. As we all sat down on the sofa I turned to them and Sarah spoke up.

"So where's this famous popstar? You haven't been lying to us have you Kim?"

"Oh shut up Sarah. I'm gonna go and get her now just remember don't mention anything know."

They all agreed so I went to see if Cheryl was in the kitchen. I found her getting some glasses out of the cupboard.

Since she had been here somehow the press had found out what had happened, meaning everybody in Britain knew what Jean was capable of.

"Hiding away in here are we?"

She jumped slightly when I spoke and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Come on." She left the glasses on the counter and took my hand as I led her into the living room.

"Ok guys, this is Cheryl, Cheryl this is Nicola, Nadine and Sarah."

They all exchanged hellos and Cheryl sat down next to me on the sofa.

It took a few minutes but Cheryl seemed settle down and get along with the girls well. Nicola was also the same, I could tell she was slightly nervous that she was in the same room as Cheryl but she was soon fine.


We are all sat on the floor round the coffee table with the alcohol in the middle of us.

There was no doubt about it, we were all drunk by now.

Though I must admit I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

Cheryl seemed to get on really well with Nicola, Sarah and Nadine which made me smile because hopefully we can now have more nights like this.

We had been sat in comfortable silence for about a minute before Sarah spoke up.

"Truth or dare?"

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