Chapter 14 - Rudiman Wit

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Third person pov

  Later in the drive, Kevin asked Tim where are they going.

  "We're going to one of our military bases in Virginia," answered Tim while driving.

  "We're going to check their status and state," John added. He then get his walkie-talkie and said, "Hello, this is John, are you there?"

But, there is no response in the walkie-talkie, just static sounds.

  "Hello? Hello?"

But still, there is no response.

  "Um, what happened, sir?" Maria asked in concern.

  "I think something bad had happened at that base," answered John back seriously.

  "We will go there," Tim added.

But then, Kevin had an idea and asked Tim, "Hey, Tim-san..."

  "Yes, Kevin?" Tim responded while driving.

  "Can we have a stopover at my home in Southeast Pines?" Kevin made a request.

  "Southeast Pines, eh? Where is that?"

  "If I remember correctly, it's just 14 miles away from Charleston via this highway."
    "I see. Sure, we'll stay there for the night."


After that, John asked Kevin why.

  "To check on my family there," Kevin answered back.

  "Yes, our family lived there," Ron added.

  "Oh, okay then."

  Meanwhile back at Charleston, a man, masked with a gas mask, armored, and armed with a sniper rifle and two pistols, was examining his dead men's bodies. He then examined that one of them was shot in the head, while the other was stabbed to death. Furthermore, their weapons are missing. He was then upset, knowing that his men, the terrorists who were responsible for the zombie virus outbreak, are always well-armed and well-armored. That man was Rudiman Wit, a businessman with a troubled past and a failed marriage. But, the questions are: Why he would do such a thing? And, will Kevin find about his motives behind it?

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