Chapter 66 - What Happened After all That

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Third person POV

  Later, at 12:01 p.m., Juan, Maria, and their group rushed out of the library to see if Kevin, Wesley, and Ron are okay. Upon arriving at the front gates, they saw the aftermath of the fight. There are dead bodies in front of the gates. A vehicle was on fire. Shells of bullets of various kinds are scattered everywhere. Ray and John are being treated because of their wounds. But, Kevin and the others are now cleaning up the mess. Some of them collected valuable and useful equipment and weapons, including grenades and ammunition, from the dead terrorists, while the others are pulling the dead bodies. Because of their luck and teamwork, there are no casualties in Kevin's side.

  "What the...?" Juan commented.

Kelly then covered Paloma's eyes while saying, "This is too much for you to see."

Paloma didn't object at all.

Then, Juan and Maria saw Kevin cleaning his katana, and they called out to him, "Big brother!" Upon hearing that, Kevin and Ron looked at them, and Kevin responded back, "Oh, hey, you two." Seeing that their older brothers are okay, the two siblings ran to them and hugged them. Wesley was with them cleaning his gun.

  "Thank goodness, you two are okay," Maria said to them.

  "Yeah, the battle was over, guys," Kevin positively replied back.

  "And we won!" Wesley added.

Upon seeing that, Kelly removed her hands from Paloma's eyes, and Paloma opened her eyes again.

  "Man, they are so insane and cool," Francis commented.

  "Yeah, they are," Matt agreed with him.

Then, as Juan and Maria discharged from hugging, Kaleb and Ray, alongside Tim and John, came to them.

  "Kevin," Kaleb said to Kevin directly.

Kevin and Ron then looked at them in response.

  "Oh, hi, guys," Kevin greeted.

  "I can't really say anything about your part in the fight," John said to him. "It's amazing."

  "You do?" Ron asked back.

Tim then nodded. "You and Wesley really are good at fighting."

  "We are so fortunate that you guys came to the fight," Ray added.

  "Yeah, thanks," Kevin responded with a nervous and embarrassing smile. "Sorry for violating your orders."

  "That's okay," Kaleb replied back. "We were struggling there, so thanks for the aid."

  "Anytime, Kaleb-san," Wesley responded with a soldier's salute.

  At the same time, Isaiah's father and another survivor had managed to fix the base's main fuse box, restoring the electricity of the base. This also restores all communication from that base to the main headquarters of the US military. At that main headquarters, the military personnel, under the leadership of their commander, Peter Maine, were shocked to see that their disconnected base in Virginia had somehow managed to restore all power and communication.

  "Sir, this base appeared in my radar," one of Peter's subordinates said to him.

  "What?" Peter responded back.

He then went to that subordinate's spot to see the radar, seeing Kaleb's base's coordinates and location, and it being active.

  "How?" he asked. "We just abandoned it months ago when the virus reached there."

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