Chapter 62 - A Deadly Drone

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Third person POV

  One Tuesday afternoon, in his shared room in the sleeping quarters, Wesley, as Mateo, is investigating about the Wit Hornets at his table. He only had limited sources about that organization so it's a bit difficult for him to do so. Francis and Matt are out working with the survivors at the grounds. Ray is at the same room cleaning his sniper rifle after a day of patrolling. Then, Kevin, as Toshi, came knocking on the door.

  "Come in," Wesley responded to this.

Kevin then opened the door and greeted, "Hey, Wesley-senpai."

He was holding a folder full of investigative documents handwritten by him.

Upon hearing his voice, Wesley turned his head around and greeted back, "Oh, Kevin, it's just you. What's up?"

Closing the door slowly, Kevin walked towards him and asked, "What are you doing?"

Wesley then turned his head back to his work and replied, "I'm investigating about the Wit Hornets."

  "Oh, okay," Kevin briefly responded back.

Then, Ray greeted, "Hi, Kevin."

Kevin then heard that, and he turned to his right to look at him. 

  "Oh, good afternoon, Ray-san," he greeted back. "I'm Toshi."

Ray then remembered that Kevin had Multiple Personality Disorder so he just responded with, "Oh, hi there, Toshi, right?"

  "Yes," Kevin replied back, "and I am currently investigating about the Wit Hornets and about how most zombies had managed to regain their consciousness and senses, as well as the mysterious force that prevents us to die completely."

Then, Ray remembered his fight with Kaleb and the mysterious feeling he felt at that time.

  "Hey, I remembered that feeling," Ray responded. "I felt that sort of obstacle that prevents me to pull the trigger on you."

  "Yeah, I felt that way, too," Wesley replied.

  "We still don't know what is that," Kevin responded.

  "I see. It's okay then."

After that, Kevin turned towards Wesley and asked, "So, do you want to work with me?"

Thinking about this, Wesley readjusted his glasses and answered back, "Sure, that'll be good if we work together."

With that Kevin put his folder and walkie-talkie on the bed and sat on the floor, before opening the folder and get and arranged most of the handwritten papers on the bed by language and topic.

Wesley saw his papers, and he commented, "Wow, you really wrote them yourself?"

  "Yes," Kevin replied back while examining and checking and rechecking his papers, "in Korean, Japanese, English, and Tagalog."

  "Nice," Wesley responded. He then turned to his work and continued, "Well, for me, my papers are fewer and most of them are in Japanese and Portuguese."

  "I know you're in Portuguese language," Kevin replied in commenting, "as Mateo, right?"

  "Yeah, I am."

Most of their investigative documents composed on colorful sticky notes and torn notebook pages, while the rest are on full printer paper, all handwritten with their favorite pens in different colors and languages.

  Then, at 5:22 p.m., someone on Kevin's walkie-talkie called for helping, stating that a high-tech drone of unknown origin was attacking them in the forest southwest of the base. Upon hearing that, Kevin, Wesley, and Ray got alerted, and Kevin immediately grabbed it and answered, "What? A drone?"

  "Y-Yes," the caller, who was actually Isaiah, replied back while stammering, "it's different from military ones and it had a ton of ammunition. We're currently hiding behind a huge rock, but we're gonna be dead soon."

And then, the call ended with static noises.

Realizing that this is a serious one, Kevin put down the walkie-talkie and said to his cousin and Ray, "Guys, Isaiah-kun and his squad are in danger, southwest of this base. Let's go now!"

Wesley and Ray then nodded in agreement, and they and Kevin grabbed their weapons and bolted out of the room and rushed downstairs to that direction.

But Kevin and Wesley didn't know is that Ray brought an RPG and some ammunition with him.

  Arriving at that spot, the three of them saw a drone, according to Isaiah's description, pointing its guns at the huge rock where Isaiah and his squad are hiding. "What in the...?" Wesley commented. Kevin wasn't afraid of it at all because of Toshi's takeover. Meanwhile, one of Rudiman's subordinates was the one who is controlling it. Back at this situation, Kevin decided to distract it by firing his pistol at its back. It did the trick, and the drone turned around towards Kevin and Wesley, while Ray get Isaiah and his group out of the area.

Seeing the two youngsters via the drone's camera, the operator said to Rudiman, "Sir, I saw two kids with guns."

Upon hearing that, Rudiman went to him and responded with, "What?"

He then looked at the screen.

  "Yeah, I heard something is hitting the drone," the operator replied back.

  "Hmm, these people might be threats to us," Rudiman responded. "Put them out."

"  Yes, sir." 

The operator then controlled the drone by pointing its guns towards Kevin and Wesley.

  "Oh, no," Kevin responded. "I didn't think how we attack it."

  "R-Right," Wesley stammered in response.

As the drone is about to fire its guns, Kevin and Wesley get out of the way.

The drone fired its guns but missed completely.

Kevin and Wesley then decided to confuse the drone by splitting up and distract it with their attention.

The drone couldn't move at all because the operator is confused on which one of them should be shot.

Then, Ray saw this and think fast, before getting his loaded RPG and aimed it at the drone.

He then pulled the trigger and fired his weapon, destroying the drone completely.

Kevin and Wesley watches this with amazement in their eyes.

Moments later, the connection from the drone to its operator was lost, and this frustrates Rudiman a lot, and he immediately commanded some of his subordinates to pinpoint the destroyed drone's current location so he would send an attack to whoever destroyed it.

  Back at the forest, Ray, Isaiah, and his squad ran to the two youngsters and asked them if they are okay.

  "Yes, we're okay," Kevin answered back.

  "Is that a rocket grenade?" Wesley asked.

Ray then showed his weapon to him and Kevin, and responded, "Yes, I brought this just in case."

Kevin and Wesley were amazed by his smartness.

  "You're as smart as Kaleb-san," Kevin commented.

Ray was not that uncomfortable by that name, indicating that his heart is changing slowly and steadily.

  "Alright, let's report this to him," he said to them.

Kevin and Isaiah then agreed with him, and Kevin looked at the wreckage, before deciding to get some fragments of it as a possible investigative evidence connected to the Wit Hornets.

Wesley did the same, and he and Kevin put them in sealed plastic bags like actual detectives.

Ray and the others watch this without any objection at all.

After that, they all walked back to base with those pieces of evidence. 

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