Chapter 22 - Too little, too late

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Third person pov

  Walking through town, they saw that current state of it. They saw that it was eerily quiet, with no noise of zombies, due to the early evacuation.

  "Woah, what happened here?" Francis asked while looking around and walking.

  "This one too?" Rose added in concern. "Our town was also forced to be evacuated."

  "Really?" Wesley asked back.

Rose then nodded. "Yes."

They then took a left turn at an intersection, and Ray asked Wesley if he knew Kevin's house.

  "Yes, I do," Wesley answered back. He then told him the address of it. And so, they all went to Kevin's house.

5 minutes later, they arrived at Kevin's house, only to see no one was inside the house itself.

  "Is this it?" Ray asked Wesley.

  "Yeah," Wesley responded, "but, no one was there."

He and the others can tell by seeing the interior through the open, unlocked door. They then went in, and split up to search the entire house: Francis, Rose, and two other survivors searched the second floor while Wesley and Ray searched the first floor. The search lasted for an hour, only to fail to search for Kevin and his siblings. After that failed search, they all gathered at the living room and reported to each other about it.

  "I think they went off to somewhere else," Francis hypothesized to his group.

But, Wesley checked the kitchen, only to notice a note on the fridge. He then grabbed it and read it.

The note says:

  "To Maccoy and Wesley,

This is Kevin. We will go to Georgia to take a plane to the West Coast to reunite with our parents. Here's our destination."

The note ended with one name of the destination: Savannah.

Wesley was surprised, connecting the dots of why the house was empty. He then went back to the living room and reported it to his group. Ray and the others are surprised to hear that.

  "Really? Kevin is your cousin's name?"

"They went to where?"

  "They are going to Savannah, Georgia," Wesley responded back, "to take a plane to the West Coast."

  "I see," Ray replied. "Thanks for informing us."

  They then rested for two hours, before going out in town to scavenge for supplies. They spent the rest of the day going around town breaking into houses and buildings for rations and supplies.

  By 5 in the morning, while walking back to Kevin's house, they found an abandoned van next to a tree. Luckily, one of them, a plumber named Matt Roy, can drive, so he suggested to take that van as their vehicle. Wesley and the others then agreed with him, and they all hopped into the van. Matt then saw that the keys to the vehicle was still in the ignition, so he just turned it, giving power to the van. The group then became delighted to see that the van was still working.

  "Okay, let's go back to the lab," Matt said to them.

  "Oh, yeah, yes!" Wesley responded back with an excitement-like positive look on his face.

And so, Matt shifted the gear and they drove off out of the town and towards Ray's lab.

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