Chapter 23 - On the Way to Savannah

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Third person pov

Meanwhile, on the day Wesley woke up from his coma, as Ron and the others are packing up most of the belongings in the house in boxes, Kevin left a handwritten note on the refrigerator, and went outside with his weapons and backpack full of rations and supplies. It was a day before Wesley and his group went to that town.

As Kevin steps outside, Ron asked him, "Are you ready to go?"

Kevin then nodded. "Yes, let's go."

Juan, Maria, and John are already inside of the SUV waiting for the others to finish packing up. After a few minutes, Kevin, Tim, and Ron hopped in, and Tim started the engine. He then moved the SUV backwards out of the driveway, before making a right turn on the street towards the south of the town. By 8:35 a.m., they were out of the town, but they decided to go to the state of Virginia to check out the military base where Tim and John are originally stationed.

[Kevin's pov]

Along the way, we stopped near a river to eat a quick lunch and rest for half an hour. Our lunch is canned food and mineral water. After that, me, Juan, and Maria went to the river to wash our hands. A minute later after washing, I began disassociating and hallucinating into my own fantasy, imaginary world where I was a ruler and my personalities are my advisors, except that Kiyoshi is only a part-time advisor because he is, currently and always, a student. I then began to act as Kiyoshi and hold an imaginary protest sign while dancing and singing silently. It was one of my coping mechanisms against the terribleness of this world. Juan and Maria are watching me in my episode of hallucination and disassociation.

And then, the adults noticed this, and Ron commented, "Not again."

"What is Kevin doing?" Tim asked Ron.

"He is disassociating into his own fantasy world," Ron responded back while crossing his arms.

"Is he mentally ill or something?" John asked back.

"Yes, he was diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder when he was 10 years old," Ron replied back, "but he rejected therapy and chose to be in that way."

"Wow, that was strange."

"I know, but we're used to his entertaining way of coping with trauma."

"Trauma? What do you mean by that?"

"He had inherited our grandfather's sensitivity to the world via genetics."

"I see. That's why."

They then kept watching and watching until, suddenly, three zombies charged towards us. The entire group heard them coming, and Ron, Tim, and John aimed their weapons towards them and are about to fire. Juan and Maria got terrified and hid behind me. But, I snapped out after hearing, and, having brought my katana just in case, charged towards the zombies while wielding my weapon. I then slashed and stabbed them to death in speed and alert, surprising the rest of my group. It was Toshi and Kako who were responsible for my bravery and speed.

"Wow, that kid had such skills," John commented.

"His speed was insane," Tim added.

"Yes, he watched a lot of anime shows," Ron responded to their comments, "and he was inspired by them."

"Oh, that's why."

After I had killed the three zombies, I breathed heavily and said to myself, "My blood is running high."

I then let out a sigh of relief and turned around and said to the group, "Don't worry, we're safe. I got it."

"Kevin, you are a cool person," Tim responded. "Your sword skills are so amazing."

Smiling at them, I replied back, "Thanks."

After that, I wiped the disgusting zombie blood from my katana with a dirty piece of ragged cloth, and went back to the SUV with the rest of the group. We then drove and continued our trip to Tim and John's military base in Virginia.

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