Chapter One

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One year before the wedding arrangement

"After Twenty years you have finally figured out how to mask your true appearance with your mother's?" Her father scoffed with disgust, her brothers snickered in the doorway as their father spoke. "You could have a bit more sympathy for me and your siblings, seeing as how she died of disease not even five years ago." YN stood with a stoic expression on her face as she listened to her father's brutal words. "I apologize father, but this is how I would have looked even if I hadn't eaten that cursed fruit. I could come up with another form." "No. Keep yourself as is. Maybe now we can allow you to be seen with us. For now, come up with a story as to where you have been these last twenty years, I don't have the time to. If you wish to see the light of day then get moving."  She nodded and left his presence. She shot her brothers a bored look before retiring to her chambers.

Present Day 

S/N slammed my bedroom door open with such force that my painting easel toppled over. Without even a word, she slammed her face into my chest and sobbed uncontrollably. "Shh... Calm down, tell me what's going on." It took her a few minutes of sniveling and crying before she finally calmed down enough to sit on the bed. "Father is marrying me off to one of Big Mom's sons! She wants our father to build a trade line with her, and to make it official, they want a marriage!" I felt my jaw drop open slightly as she started bawling again. "I'm terrified of what they'll do to me! I don't want to marry a pirate! Father won't listen to me at all! A-And I don't want to die!" I grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly. "Calm down. Nothing will come of this if all you do is cry." She nodded and wiped her face with a handkerchief. "I-I'm so sorry YN. I don't want to ask this, nor wish it upon you. But I have to ask. Will you take my place in the arranged marriage?" My eyes widened and I dropped my hands to my lap. "I don't know S/N. I don't want to do it either, but I can't let my baby sister get put into such a situation. We'll have to convince our father." She nodded and clutched me to her. Even though she was twelve years younger than me, I still felt like she was a baby. 

S/N's hands clutched impossibly tight to my arm as we stood in front of our father's throne. "F-Father, Y/N, and I wish to switch places. She wants to take my place in the arranged marriage." Our father cast a glance down on me as he thought it over. His face slowly upturned into a sickening grin as his cackles echoed in the throne room. "Ah yes! I can keep my beautiful daughter. Isn't that fitting, hmm? A monster to marry another monster? I'll allow it, on only one condition. You have to convince Big Mom herself, and do not reveal the true nature of yourself to her." I nodded and bowed. "Thank you father, I will prepare myself accordingly." S/N released my arm only to engulf me in a hug. She thanked me profusely through her tears and relieved sobs. 

"Lady YN it's time for you to leave. The ship awaits you at the dock." I nodded and watched as the maid grabbed ahold of my bags. I held onto one of the bags with great care, not allowing her to take it. I followed her out to the carriage and sat down in the seat. Seeing the greyed-out skies and drizzle reminded me of how grim my fate was seeming. If I wasn't able to convince the Emperor, chances were she'd kill us all. The trip to the ship was short, many of the citizens had come to see me off with large smiles and roses being thrown my way. I was making the trip alone with just the crew and myself. Just in case the offer is rejected and Father wishes to run to safety with his beloved children. 

Here I now stood in front of Big Mom, her size alone could be intimidating, but I didn't feel any fear, just annoyance at the singing food. "You are not the princess of Vista. Who are you?" I stepped forward and smiled, not in a sweet way though. "I am the oldest heir of Vista. I chose to be a recluse and kept my name from the public eye. Although I look nothing of my Father, I am the spitting image of my late mother." The large woman hummed and sat up. "You are quite the looker, I have to say. So what are you doing here? I was told the other princess was the betrothed." I shook my head. "My father made a mistake on his part. He is very old and my younger brother sent me to correct it. Soon he will be taking our father's place, and I am the one to be betrothed to your son. So please, Take Me." I let my ability flow through my words as they slipped into Big Mom's ears. She smiled excitedly and clapped her hands. "OOooh! Mama! Mama! That is fine with me dearie! You look more attractive than your sister, and your age is much more fitting for my son." I nodded happily and bowed to her. "Thank you for understanding the confusion and mixup." She smiled down at me as she took a chomp out of a large cake. "You shall stay here until the wedding, in the meantime, you and my son have a lot to work on." I wasn't familiar with any of the bounties or warrants out, mainly since I didn't expect to see the outside world again. "Katakuri! I want you to meet your fiance! She is a much better match than her sister." The man in question stepped into my view and I nearly shit myself. He towered over me, his height reaching way above fifteen feet. He had pink tattoos covering the side of his torso and extending onto his arm. His eyes and hair were a strange shade of crimson. His body was adorned with an odd leather biker getup and a massive white fluffy scarf covering his face. 

"Nice you meet you, Katakuri is it?" He simply nodded and I awkwardly smiled. "I am Y/N L/N of the Vista kingdom. My father is old and decrepit, in his foolishness he mixed up my sister and me. My brother caught the mixup just a few days ago and sent me instead. As soon as our marriage is completed, he will be taking over our father's spot." He and Big Mom listened intently as I explained everything. They seemed to buy my story, and I could feel a slight relief in my chest as Katakuri sat down in a chair by the tea table. "The wedding date is set for three months from now. Seeing as how we have to change a few things due to your father's incompetence." I had to restrain myself from laughing as she insulted him. "You and Katakuri have till then to get to know one another. Now get out of my sight." I bowed and left the room immediately. One of the guards escorted me to my own personal chambers so I could rest.

Word count: 1,257

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