Chapter Eight

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A/N: This chapter will be mostly in the Third Person pov. There are also triggering scenes in this chapter. Please do not continue to read this story if you are not comfortable with triggering scenes.

Brulee was panicked as she tried to find her older brother. It was an hour later when she finally found him. He had snuck off to his own island and had been spending time alone in his own house. Katakuri was nearly caught off guard when Brulee popped into his living room through the mirror-top table he had. "Brulee, what do you want?" Brulee was one of few siblings he could allow his guard to come down around. She knew his secret and had no problems with it. "It's Y/n! Someone has hurt her! You need to come with me, now!" Her hand grasped his arm as she tried to pull him towards the table. He looked conflicted as he stared his sister down. "Is she actually hurt, or are you trying to drag me back over there to make amends?" Brulee dropped his arm as tears welled in her eyes. "I have not and won't ever joke about Y/n's safety!" She shoved him as she started to bawl. "Pudding found her in her bathroom shower. Her clothes were torn up and the mirrors were all gone. None of the staff were on her floor. And Y/n is covered in marks. Pudding thinks someone..." Brulee choked up on her words as she tried to dry her face. "Someone raped her." His body stilled, and he held his breath for a moment as his eyes met hers.

Katakuri's face contorted into an expression Brulee hadn't seen since they were children. The last time he had been this angry, it was because children hurt her. This time he seemed different, he stormed over to Brulee and picked her up. In one swift move, he lunged through the mirror and started to run. He knew the way to the mirrors in the castle, Brulee just had to point to the right mirror. 

Pudding looked horrified as Katakuri's face rose from the handheld mirror. She had never seen him this mad. Not even when his brothers picked on him. Brulee followed her brother out of the mirror and stood behind Pudding as Katakuri kneeled over Y/n's body. Her eyes were glossed over as she stared blankly, her body continually had a tremble to it as she kept her knees to her chest. "What can we do?" Brulee asked her brother. He didn't look at her as he picked Y/n up. Her body felt ice cold to the touch as he cradled her in his arms. "She's in a catatonic state. Her mind is so traumatized, her body can't process it. So this is all she can do till it wears her body down." Katakuri went to walk out of the bathroom but Pudding grasped his shoulder. "I would focus on her and not the room." She warned. He should have heeded her words, but he couldn't. His eyes roamed the room, the mess, little light, and worst of all the blood. Katakuri wasn't known to be emotional, but right now if he knew who did this he wouldn't hesitate to eradicate them. Pudding and Brulee tried to clean up what they could once they got a bit more light into the room. 

Katakuri examined her body and he felt angrier as he saw more bruises forming. She had a bruise around her neck, two actually. One from the collar, and one at the base of her neck in the shape of a handprint. So far the only person he could suspect was his own brother, who had been warned to stay away from her after he had previously attacked her. There were bruises all over her body from how her attacker handled her. And from how it looked she wasn't able to fight back. Katakuri placed her on the bed and went to her dresser. He pulled out some clean underwear, a baggy sweater, and a pair of bedroom pants. His two sisters observed him as he changed Y/n's clothes. They had never seen their brother care for anything let alone another person. The two sisters shared a look as they turned around to give the two some privacy. 

The two sisters had left their brother to care for his fiance. They started their own investigation to find out who hurt Y/n. Brulee couldn't let someone get away with hurting her brother's lover. And Pudding couldn't bare the thought of someone so selfish and disgusting in the family. The pair went to Mama to tell her about the incident. 

"Mama, we need to inform you of an incident." Big Mom stared down at her two daughters. Both of them could feel the haki radiating off their mother. "What is it?" Pudding and Brulee took a deep breath to steady themselves. "Mama, someone hurt Y/n." Big Mom laughed at her daughters' report. "Well, if she lost she needs to train more! We can't have a weakling in the family." She glared down at her daughters. "No, Mama. It wasn't like that. Someone caught her by surprise and weakened her with a seastone collar." Big Mom stilled herself as she leaned closer to hear her daughters better. "What is this?" The two girls held their ground as they stood before their mother. "Y/n was weakened with a seastone collar. And whoever used it forced themselves upon her." Big Mom's eyes widened as fury turned her face red. "Someone defiled Katakuri's wife?!" The two girls nodded their heads in confirmation and stepped back as their mother's rage grew. "I want whoever did it, to be brought to me!" The girls nodded quickly before retreating back a few more feet. "Where is Katakuri now?" Their mother's tone shocked them as they stared up at her. "He is consoling her. He already knows what happened. He's just as mad, if not madder than you over what happened." Their mother nodded calmly, her angry demeanor washed away as she sent her daughters away. 

Katakuri spent hours cradling Y/n in his arms, her exhausted form finally gave into the slumber it so dearly needed. She looked deathly pale, her body was cool to the touch, and she trembled every few minutes. He couldn't bring himself to leave her alone, after what's happened, he wanted to be there when she finally woke. He nearly held his breath when her eyes finally gave in and fluttered shut. It had been a few hours since his sisters went to tell their mother. He had started to wonder if Mama took their lifespans in a fit of rage. But that thought was abandoned when the two slammed the door open and rushed to his side. He quickly shushed them as he watched his fiance sleep. "Her body gave in a couple of hours ago. As much as I want to find the bastard that did this, I need to be here for her sake." His sister nodded and sat at the foot of the bed. Katakuri felt Y/n tremble more than she had been, her hands gripping fistfuls of the fluffy scarf on his neck as she started to cry out in her sleep. 

His sisters watched as he carefully soothed her. They could begin to describe how odd it was to see him in such a vulnerable position. When Y/n finally stirred awake, her eyes were bloodshot and she felt like she had been beaten with a metal bar. It took her a few minutes to realize that Katakuri was holding her. When she realized who it was, she threw her arms around his neck. She held onto him as her body trembled. "I'm sorry." Katakuri's eyes widened at the apology that fell from her lips. "We know what happened. I want to know who did that to you. Mama has decided they will be punished." Y/n's body trembled as she clutched onto Katakuri's shoulders. "Y/n. I want to know who did this to you. I promise I won't let anything else hurt you. I need to know who did this to you because whoever did it has gone against Mama and they need to be punished." She let go of Katakuri and sank down to the bed. She saw she was in clean clothes and her arms wrapped around her torso. 

"Are you so sure that if I tell you, they won't come after me again after punishment? Do you know if they would even receive punishment if they were part of the family?" Katakuri was lost for words as his eyes traveled to his sisters. They nodded their heads. "Regardless of who they are, Mama is bound to punish them. Especially since our wedding is going to be postponed till they have received their punishment." Y/n's chin trembled as tears fell from her eyes. 

"It-It was Daifuku." The three Charlottes in the room held pure rage in their eyes as they watched Y/n break down for a second time. 

Word count: 1,510

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