Chapter Nine

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A/N: This is another Third person pov chapter! Sorry guys! I promise I'll get back to normal pov soon!

Y/n told Katakuri and his two sisters about what Daifuku did to her, the trio of Charlottes had to keep themselves composed as she painfully retold what was done to her. Katakuri left Y/n with the only male in his family he could trust to protect her. Cracker respected him too much to do anything to Y/n, and he proved that through the few times, she had thrown insults or shoes at him. While Y/n was with Cracker, he went to Mama. Y/n's worries about Daifuku getting let off with little to no punishment were washed away as Mama's face contorted with anger. Mama was more so mad over how her son had acted over simple jealousy. She insisted that Y/n be brought to her and Katakuri felt a pit form in his gut. 

"Katakuri, what happened to Y/n?" Cracker noticed how she wasn't as bright and cheerful as usual. He picked up on her depressed mood and how beat up she appeared. "Daifuku became jealous of how mother has treated me and hurt Y/n to get to me." Cracker fell silent as he processed his brother's words. The ends of his hair audibly crackled as he stared his brother in the eyes. "He did more than hurt her didn't he?" Katakuri's silence gave Cracker the answer he needed. "Cracker. What are you going to do?" Cracker didn't stop as he spoke up. "I'm going to turn that son of a bitch into a damn paste. Unless you plan to assist me, stay out of my way." Katakuri let his brother walk away as he brought Y/n to Mama. 

"Y/n, you have to tell Mama everything that he has done to you. Anything withheld could become problematic for you." Pudding held Y/n's hands as she sat down in a chair. All she could do was nod her head as Pudding stepped away. "Tell me everything from the beginning. As my daughter said, anything withheld could be an issue for later. And if there is anything you withhold from me, I won't do anything to punish my son." Y/n nodded and cleared her throat to begin. 

Halfway through Y/n's retelling of the incident, Cracker kicked open the doors. He held the collar of Daifuku's shirt as he dragged him in. "I caught the lying bastard." He dropped his brother on the floor and sent a genuine smile to Y/n. She had trouble retelling the events as her voice betrayed her. Her voice shook even more as Daifuku's glare settled on her. "He dropped me onto the floor after unclipping the seastone, and told me not to tell anyone about what he did." Mama's glare settled onto her own son, who was wrapped in any seastone cuffs Cracker could lay his hands on. "You need to start speaking before I take what's left of your life." Daifuku sat up, his body barely having any energy from the copious amount of seastone Cracker had put on him. "Mama, all that woman breathes is lies. You can't take her word over mine." His pleas fell on deaf ears as she looked at her two daughters. "Everything she has said so far has been backed by evidence. The staff was not on her floor, they said you gave them orders not to be there. The missing mirrors were in a locked closet. The marks on her body indicate a cuff placed around her throat, one was conveniently signed out to you during the time of her attack." "Not to mention, you were supposed to be gone from the castle to meet Smoothie for a drop off of supplies for upcoming events. So you were not even supposed to be in the castle at the time, and you were forbidden from that floor." 

"Mama, can't we talk this over? I'm sure we can reach a point of understanding." Y/n's eyes teared up as she stood up and faced him. "Were those not the same words I had used to you when you forced yourself upon me?" His face twisted into a grin of sorts as he scoffed. 

"You couldn't be welcoming towards me from the very start over some- some jealousy you had towards your brother! All you've done since I got here was ridicule me and accuse me of being a liar! And I've done nothing but be truthful from the start as I tried to learn how to be a wife to your own brother! But all your thoughts just circled over why your mother chose Katakuri to be wed to me!" Y/n grimaced as she stared him down. "I tried to be a good sister. I really did, I stood up for a mistake on my family's part. I took the blame and fall for it all. And I even sacrificed myself for my own sister's sake. The only thing I ever hid from your family was my own suffering from the bullshit you were trying to pull!" Her body shook as her arms wrapped themselves around her torso. Feathers started to erupt all over her body as her emotions got the better of her. Blackened wings sprouted from between her shoulder blades and spine. She bit her own tongue as her body adjusted to the pain from her own fruit's awakening. 

"The only thing I ever hid was my own pain, which was being caused by you. Everyone knew of my fruit. I just didn't explain every aspect of it since I didn't know all of it for myself." Y/n sucked in a shaky breath as she steadied herself. Katakuri reached a hand out to keep her steady. "Y/n gets to choose his punishment." Y/n felt like a weight was dropped onto her as she took in Mama's words. Daifuku almost looked scared as Y/n stepped closer. Bloodlust radiated off her back as her wings fell limp behind her. Her eyes nearly glowed as they fell upon him. 

"You are not to touch me ever again. As for punishment... The Seastone neck cuff you used on me will be placed onto you, and you will wear that for a full year." Daifuku looked confused as the woman he defiled stepped back from him. "You're not sending him to death?!" Brulee's jaw gaped open. "He may have ruined me, but even if I wanted to see him die, Mama wouldn't have allowed it." "Mama! Mama! You surprise me! Easily you could've asked for ten years off his life and I would've granted it! I may still do that for extra measure." Her cackle sent shivers through everyone in the room. "If you wish Mama. But regardless, I want him to wear that cuff till this time next year. He will learn how weak it feels to be beaten up while in such a state." Cracker stood beside Y/n as she clung to Katakuri's side. "Are you sure you don't want me to kill him? I'd do it just on the principle that he's an ass." Y/n nodded as her head rested on Katakuri. "You can beat his ass, but leave him alive." Cracker's sadistic grin made everyone share a laugh as he used Daifuku as a human soccer ball. 

Word count: 1,214

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