Chapter Four

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A familiar clinking in the person's steps made me perk my head out of the curtains. Shit. It's Katakuri. That means I'm in deep shit if he sees me! I dove my head back under the curtain before he could see me. I could feel sweat trickle down my beak as I tried to keep as still as possible. I could barely see his form through the curtains, he sat down on the couch and slid the tray closer to himself. He started to reach for his scarf, but he paused mid-reach and immediately stood up. I felt my heart drop into my ass as he stalked over to the curtain and snatched it open. Out of pure surprise, I lost my grip on the curtain and fell. But I didn't fall far when his hand gripped the living shit out of my small bird form. I felt my breath leave me as he started to slowly crush me in his hand. I opened and shut my beak multiple times, finally making a sound. "Kata-" He immediately released me and I dropped like a brick to the floor. Painfully my body turned back to normal, I whined as the pain dulled out into an ache. 

"Fucking hell." I stood up, my body crackling as my bones readjusted. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your Merienda. I didn't know this room was reserved for you. I was just-" Katakuri grabbed the sleeve of my dress and roughly snatched me off the ground to eye level. "You better have a damn good excuse for interrupting me." I felt chills swarm my body as he dropped me back to the floor. "I would hope that your brothers ganging up on me and attacking me would be a pretty damn good excuse. I was fleeing them and wound up in here trying to hide from them." His brow twitched as I dusted myself off. "Why would they attack you?" I sighed and sat down on one of the couches. "I don't know. They think I'm hiding something, but honestly if they could act like civilized people and talk instead of attacking me. I'd tell them anything they want to know if I know the answer." I cringed as I felt some of the skin on my cheek prickle. I guess Oven's heat got to my skin, and probably singed some of my hair in the midst of everything. "Tell me who did this." I flinched when my eyes met his. He looked like he was going to beat the hell out of them. "Perospero, Oven, and Daifuku. I- I don't understand what their problem is, but don't go ruining your relationship with them over me." His angered expression softened slightly before it hardened more than it was originally. 

After watching him storm out of the room, sweets forgotten, I decided to stay put. I kept watching over his tray of sweets while he when on a manhunt. Seeing a mirror that was partially covered in the corner, I got up and went to it. "Brulee? Are you there?" After a few minutes, she emerged from the mirror. "You called?" I nodded and sat down gesturing for her to do so as well. "I'm waiting on Katakuri to return. He's pretty pissed, to say the least." Brulee looked shocked and her face paled as she looked me over. "What happened to you?! Did he do this?!" Confused I felt my face and realized the right side of my jaw felt hot and the peach fuzz on my face was gone on the right side. Some of the ends of my hair were singed too. "No! Katakuri didn't do this. A few of your brothers tried to jump me." Brulee's eyes teared up as she hugged me. "I'm sorry! Tell me who it was! I'll make sure Mama hears of this!" I smiled as she let go. "It's okay Brulee. Katakuri is confronting them now." "Hah?!" I nodded as she gasped in surprise. "I accidentally interrupted his merienda while I was trying to hide from your brothers." If her face wasn't pale before it was now. "Did you see-" I shook my head profusely. "He realized I was there before he started to eat. I'm not sure what he wants to keep so private, but I'll respect him during his merienda. I really didn't mean to interrupt him. And he seemed to understand why." Brulee nodded in relief and quickly got up. "I gotta go. you know what to do if you need me." She slipped back into the mirror and I was left alone again. 

After at least a couple of hours, I woke up from my nap to the familiar clinking of Katakuri's boots. "You shouldn't have to worry about my brothers from now on. Mama has ordered them to apologize and to leave you alone from here on out." I sleepily rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Thank you, Katakuri. I'm really sorry for bothering you with all this." He sat down on the couch across from me and sighed deeply. "Don't be sorry. It's better you tell me of any problems you have with anything. As your soon-to-be husband, I am responsible for you and keeping you safe." My chest felt heavy and warm as I soaked in his words, I couldn't help the smile that creased my eyes and made them water. He didn't say anything as he studied me. My stomach growled, interrupting the comfortable silence we had, making it awkward. Katakuri simply pushed the tray of sweets closer to me. "These are supposed to be for you." "I know. You can choose one to snack on before lunch." I nodded and took a small slice of cake that was nearly hidden by the large donuts and creme puffs. I stood up to leave him alone so he could eat. "Where are you going?" I sheepishly turned my head back to him. "I interrupted your merienda, so I was going to go elsewhere while you eat." His eyes looked shocked. "Sit back down, just face away from me." Now was my turn to be shocked. "You sure?" He nodded and I listened to him. I sat on the couch backward, facing the wall, and dug into the slice of cake I had. 

I didn't hear much from him except for the occasional munching or smacking. I couldn't help but wonder why he eats alone and doesn't let people see him under the scarf. After a few minutes of silence, I finally spoke up. My plate was long finished by now. "Hey Katakuri, I have a question." He responded with a hum, but I didn't dare turn around. "Why do you always eat alone? I know I'm technically eating with you right now, but you have me facing away from you." He didn't respond, but I could feel a glare on my back from him. "I'm sorry if I struck a nerve. I'm just curious. I just don't understand why you feel the need to isolate yourself during mealtimes." His disgruntled hum told me that he wasn't very happy. "I have a less-than-desirable look on the bottom half of my face. And let's leave it at that." I hummed as I tried to compose myself. A sudden wave of confidence mixed with a warm tingling in my chest made my mouth move without my brain's consent. "Well, I want you to know that, if your face is as handsome as the rest of your body, I may very well keep you all to myself. I don't like sharing." I arched my back and faced him upside down. His scarf was already on his face again and I felt my playful smirk widen as I saw his pink-tinged ears. "Have I made someone flustered?" He averted his gaze to something else as I straightened myself out. 

"So, when will you open up to me? I know it's hard to show everything to someone you hardly know, but I want you to be able to trust me." I could hear his sigh rumble through his chest. "After the wedding. I will let you see all of me." Now it was my turn to become prudish with my red face. "Why not before? Are you afraid I'll run for the hills after seeing you? I'm not some skittish mouse. I have bigger balls than some of the men in my family." He didn't respond to my childish answer. 

Word count: 1,413

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