Chapter Seven

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A/N: This chapter will be in the narrator's pov also known as the third person pov. There is also a Trigger Warning for this chapter. If you are not comfortable with reading through scenes with triggering subjects, please do not subject yourself to this story. 

A few days passed after Y/n confessed her feelings to Katakuri. She felt heartbroken after his silent response, she tried multiple times to find him and talk, but he was nowhere to be found. She had asked several of his sibling and the staff where he might have gone, but none of them knew. All they could say was that he wasn't sent out for anything due to the wedding's date nearing. After spending two days in her room, Y/n finally took a walk around the castle.

Pausing at the entrance to the courtyard, Y/n glanced at the two Charlotte sisters she had befriended. "Y/n! Come join us!" Pudding called out, Brulee perked up seeing her brother's fiance. "How are you feeling? You said you felt sick yesterday and wouldn't let us in." Y/n took a seat across from the two and sipped on a glass of water. "I feel a bit better. I'm sorry for not talking to you guys." Brulee shared a look with Pudding. "Have you talked any with our brother?" Y/n's head shook at Pudding's question and sighed. "No. I'm assuming he's avoiding me. I haven't heard anything from him and no one knows where he is. I think- I feel like I messed up what we had." Her response had both sisters nearly in tears. "No! I'm sure Big brother will come to his senses. He's not used to affection and he may be trying to sort out his own thoughts." Brulee got up and hugged Y/n. "Let's go out for a late lunch, how's that sound?" Brulee knew Y/n too well. She knew Y/n wouldn't be able to resist bribery with food. Y/n hesitantly nodded, and Brulee released her. "Pudding will come, later on, to pick you up. I know just the place to take you, and I know you'll love it!" Y/n smiled and dabbed her sweater sleeve over her eyes. "Thank you, Brulee. I can't wait to go out." Her smile was infectious and the two sisters smiled as well. 


Y/n's mood started to climb as she made her way back to her room. She looked forward to spending time with her two favorite sisters. They always knew how to make her feel better and knew just the trick to lure her out of the castle. Y/n noticed most of the soldiers that guarded the castle on her floor were nowhere to be seen. No maids are to be found either. She shrugged it off as she approached her bedroom, her thoughts were focused on where Brulee planned to take her for dinner. Opening her door she realized her curtains, which she had left open prior to leaving, were shut. Her room had been cleaned, but the maid had left the laundry hamper of her dirty sheets and clothes in the room. She cautiously walked in, her gut felt off, but she continued to follow her curiosity into the room. 

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" Something in her gut told her not to go further into the room. But instead, she walked closer to her bathroom, her body jolted in fear as her bedroom door slammed shut and the lock was spun. Her body trembled as she turned around to face the one Charlotte sibling she despised most. She started to back up, but he still towered over her. "Daifuku, what are you doing in here? You were told not to come anywhere near-" In a swift lunge, faster than she could process, Daifuku's hands wrapped around her neck. She felt a chilling feeling sweep through her body as she grew weak. After removing his hands she felt the heavy seastone collar he clasped around her neck. Immediately she tried to pull and pry at the collar. "That won't work. Without the key, you won't be able to use your powers and you will be too weak to run or fight back." An icy shiver flushed through her body as her eyes met his. Shakily, she stepped back and tried to run, but as he had said, the seastone was draining her energy. He snatched her arm up in his hand and threw her onto the bed. "Please, don't do this. We can talk this out, what do you want?" Her pleas fell on deaf ears as he laughed boisterously. "What do I want?! Let's start off with you. Mama is finally marrying her beloved son Katakuri, off to you. Someone who has been deceiving us all from the start." He stood at the edge of the bed as he ranted. "I find it such a shame that such a beautiful body is to be wasted on someone so useless and ugly. I was told I'd be the next child to be married off, yet she chose Katakuri to marry you. Katakuri, doesn't deserve someone with looks such as yourself. So, I plan to take you for myself." Her body was weakened to the point where she couldn't move from the spot he had tossed her onto. His hands entrapped her on both sides and she couldn't do anything to stop him. "Please stop! I don't want this." His laugh echoed in the room as his hand gripped the hem of her shirt. "You can be as vocal as you want. I sent all staff away from this floor, they cannot disobey a direct order from me." With that, he ripped the sweater off of her and followed with her leggings. 

"Pink? I'd prefer blue, but that won't be hard to change." Y/n tried to cover the matching underwear set she wore. "Please don't. I'm scared." She tried to curl over to get away from him, but he grasped both of her hands in one of his. With his other hand, he undid his belt and pants. "Y-you can't! Pudding is supposed to pick me up later! We have dinner planned with Brulee-" Daifuku scoffed as his grip tightened on her hands. "Then I'll make this quick. And don't you go telling them about this." He forced himself onto her, her screams bouncing off the walls as she cried. She tried to thrash around, but he held her down in place as he used her body for his own satisfaction. His grin widened as her screams died out towards the end. After finishing, he dropped her body on the floor. He took the collar off and started to leave. He paused and grabbed her throat. "Don't speak of this to anyone. And clean yourself up before my sister sees you like this." He dropped her body back to the floor and left her room.

Y/n sat on the floor of her room, some of her strength returned after he removed the collar, but her body hurt too much to do anything. All she could do was cry as she looked around her room. She wept as she slowly and painfully crawled to her bathroom. She didn't bother to take off the tatters of the clothes left on her body. She turned the knob for the hot water all the way on and sat in the bottom of the shower. The water was scalding hot, but she didn't even flinch as it cascaded down her back. The excitement for dinner plans fell out of her mind as she stared blankly at the bloodied water circling the drain. She kept her arms wrapped around her legs as she fell into a catatonic state of mind. 

As promised Pudding came to get Y/n for dinner. She noticed immediately upon entrance to Y/n's floor that none of the castle's staff were anywhere to be seen. Worried, Pudding jogged to Y/n's door and banged on it as hard as she could. "Y/n? It's Pudding, Brulee is waiting for us downstairs!" After no response, Pudding opened the door. Y/n's room was a mess. Blood on the bed and floor. Shredded clothes were on the floor and the room was dark. She called out again for Y/n and followed the sound of running water. Pudding noticed the lack of mirrors in Y/n's room and felt a pit form in her stomach. When her eyes met Y/n's body she dropped to her knees beside her and tried to shake her "Y/n! Y/n what happened?! Who did this to you?!" Y/n could only tremble in Pudding's arms. Pudding pulled out her mini transponder snail and dialed Brulee. Pudding noticed the two mirrors Y/n's bathroom should have had, were also missing. Brulee picked up almost immediately. "Pudding?! Why are you calling me?" "Brulee! Something's happened to Y/n! And whoever did it knew to take all of her mirrors too!" The snail clanked as Brulee hung up. Normally Brulee could just jump to Pudding through the Mirror-world. But with no mirrors, she had to get as close as possible and run the rest of the way. 

Panting, Brulee grasped the door frame and cried out. "Y/n! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Brulee's legs gave out beside Pudding and they both cried as they tried to help Y/n out of the shower. "The water in the shower is straight hot water, and yet the water's gone cold. She's been in there for a while. Who could've done this to her?!" Brulee started to get mad. Pudding's face lost color as they dried Y/n off. "Brulee... Go get Katakuri. Now." Brulee froze as her eyes met Pudding's. "He'll skin both of us while trying to find whoever did this to her!" Brulee hissed as she kneeled beside her sister. "I know he will be mad, but he needs to know. A-and I've found out where she's bleeding from." Pudding held Y/n in a hug from behind. "Brulee... I think she was... raped..."

Brulee's face drained of all color as she stood up. "I-I'll go get him. Try to wake her while I'm gone. I'm leaving this here so I can come back faster." She carefully set a handheld mirror on the floor and jumped into it. 

Word count: 1,702

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