17 . New look

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"Don't wait for me . Danny said she will give me a ride ." Carter brushes past me while I take my things out of my locker .

"Okay ." I say to noone as his already marched off .

Buzz. Buzz .

I lift my phone to read a message from London :

Sissy I miss you . Call later ?

I text back :

Sure . Miss you too .

I drive myself home with my music on full blast . I turn into the drive way to find someone I'd never thought I'd see again .

"Hey ." Daron says . He looks terrible . His skin looks pale , his eyes look tired and his dark brown hair looks limp .

"Whats up ?" I say looking at my ex boyfriend catiously .

"Paris ." His voice breaks and for a second I think I see his eyes glass over .

"Mom's in hospital ." Mrs Froams . My heart breaks at this . I walk past him and open the door for him to step in . He walks in and takes a seat at the kitchen table . The bar stool rocks as he hops onto it .

"Tea ?" It's his favourite . We both hate coffee .

"No thank you ." I nod and take a sit across him .

"Am I a bad son for not visiting her ?" His voice breaks.

"I just can't see her like this , you know .  She's gone worst . It's not just her hair falling anymore . She is not eating and when she does she just brings it up . Paris her eyes are hollow ." Tears flow down his cheeks . In all the years I dated Daron Froams I've never seen him cry not even the time his mom was diagnosted with breat cancer . I move towards him and embrace him . His arms instanly wrap around me and his head goes for the crook of my neck . He chokes on his tears that wet my bare shoulder .

"It doesn't make you a bad son Daron , she understands it's hard for you too ." I say stroking his very oily hair . In response he tightens his hold on me and lets it all out .

"I didn't know who else to go to . You were with me when we first found out . I'm sorry ; I just needed someone I knew understood . "He nuzzels his head in my neck . I nod and tell him that it's okay .

"When was the last time you slept ?" I question him as I take a step back to get a good look at the face of the boy I once loved .

"Good sleep maybe three weeks ago . Last night none ." I grab his hand and lead him upstairs towards my room . It pains me to know Mrs Froams is sick again . I'm doing this for her .

"Why don't you take a shower . I'm sure I should have some of your clothes in here somewhere ." He nods and heads for my shower .

I dig in my closet leaving it in a chaotic mess . However , I do find a t-shirt and a pair of shorts of his deep in my closet from the time I think he threw me in the pool at his house .

He comes out of the shower with his hair all wet and a towel hanging on his waist . I step out to give him time to get dressed . I find myself in the kitchen boiling pasta . He comes down looking slightly better . He sits back in his barstool . I reach over and run a hand through his hair .

"You need a hair cut ." This gets him to crack a smile .

"You can cut it ." I shake my head and laugh at the seriousness in his tone .

"I'm serious ." I shake my head at him .

"Please ." He pleads with me .

"Do I look like Clive ." Clive is his barbor .

"No , I'm not asking for anything fancy . I was think a buzz cut . All of it off . Please Paris ." I cave and go to my parents vacant room and find my dads shaver .

I plug it in the bathroom and grab the little stool . He sits there while I stand holding the vibrating machine .

"Are you sure ?" I ask one last time . He nods . I go write down the middle first .

"Wait to go . No turning back now ." He chuckles staring at himself in the mirror . His hand brushes against the bald strip in the middle of his head . I giggle and he laughs .

'You're so mean ," he laughs .

"Am not . You the one who told me you found someone better than me if I recall ." I laugh out as I make another strip this time across making it look like he has a "T" on his head . The humor vanishes from his eyes as I bring up his words to me . He looks down guiltily .

"Hey I never meant to dampen the mood . I forgive you ." Yah , you heard me I forgive yoh Daron Froams .

"I don't deserve your forgiveness , if anything you're better than . Last time I check you're with me and not across the globe ." His eyes fall .

"I wish I could give that me that made the terrible choice of letting you go a big smack across the head . He was stupid ." He looks at me with longing and regret .

"Or this haircut ." We both look at my design and laugh .

"Or this haircut ." He chuckles nodding along . He turns his body until I'm standing between his legs .

"I miss you Paris ." He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in my stomach .

I'm quiet as I let him enjoy my body warmth .

"Thank you ." He says as he turns back to let me finish balding him .

"That will be ten dollars ." I giggle as I stroke his bald head . Ot actually suits him . It make him look handsome .

"I'll forever be in your debt Paris Miller ." He smiles at me through the mirror .

"Do you mind if I stay the night ?" He questions me as we finsih up our pasta .

"Sure . Just give me a second , I have to call my sister ." I don't see his reaction or hear his reply . I walk off after putting the dishes in the sink . I head off to my room and wait for my sister to answer the phone .

"Hey Timone ." She chimes into the phone . She is rather chirpy today.

"Hey Pumba ..."

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